Why is celebrity culture a thing?

It's unreal how people worship these retards who earn gazillions of dollars just for having the right genetics and/or connections. They fucking play pretend for a living.

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That's how you know people are dumb.

The Romans were right to treat actors like shit and segregate them away from the general public

There is no good reason and so it is shielded from criticism. You would have to make a point about society or our values, and before you can establish context you've lost people. It is difficult to criticize something that is irrational yet persists. By the

Modern day deities propped up by zogbot amerimutts and propagated by Jewish Billionaires.

They all must burn.

Reminder that this was only day 6 of "lockdown" and you could always fucking go outside. I hate Gal Gadot.

I wonder the same thing about politicians. Of all the people on earth to worship and put on a pedestal lol. Celebrity culture is for the weak and easily led. No self respecting person would worship anyone like that. They can all die in plane crashes for all I care. Except Ryan gosling

What ever happened to Will F? Does he still make movies?


Actually this right here showed the downfall of traditional Hollywood. Press agents use to create pure fantasy backstories for celebs. All gone. Social media has now shown what clueless, out of touch clowns entertainers are. Tom Cruise is the last real movie star. Nobody sees a movie anymore because of an actor. Studios know this, why they have to use known IPs to sell movies instead of stars

Hollywood no longer dominates celebrity culture

Zoomers are more interested in TikTok and Twitch stars than some movie star.

Ok but why did it become a thing in the first place

Elf was shit

The same reason directorial credits started having prominence on posters. Kikes realised you could sell shit through pattern recognition and idol worship. New media kinda killed it though because legacy isn't a thing any more, turnover on fame went from 15 minutes to 15 microseconds

>tv killed the radio star
>internet killed the movie star

...it's like poetry, it rhymes.

Tech moves on, people either adapt or industries die. Been saying it for over a decade.

Can't put the genie back in the bottle.

Meant for

Celebrity culture only makes sense when it's for a Goddess like Sarah Gadon.

This was the creepiest shit.

Law of Nature: Masses are always stupid.

Hollywood is literally a bunch of creepy 45 year old pedo dykes preying on kids.

Humans value charisma and boldness. A thousand years ago that was a valiant warrior. Now it's an art performer.

What a dumb statement, these freaks aren't charismatic they're jewish dick-suckers. Willing to do denenerate acts like raping children and being raped yourself for.money.

>A thousand years ago that was a valiant warrior
I'm in the wrong era
I suppose according to ideology I should make the right era but fucking how

We just have to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good. It's over. We just have to slaughter the bad guys so our kids can live in peace. I'm already old, movies suck, wtf is the point?

> these freaks aren't charismatic
If I point a camera at you and have a billion people watch you, are you going to be pull yourself together and portray a character for them? Give them a performance that they can look up to and try to emulate in their own bleak lives?

Actors arent special
Unless youre severely autistic everyone can be a good actor if you have a decent director