Be one of the most hyped child actors ever

>be one of the most hyped child actors ever
>fizzle out by 2009
>barely in any major movies for like the next decade not including Twilight where she is a secondary or tertiary character
what went wrong?

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She was pretty good in the movie where she plays an autistic girl.

soul vs soulless

Dakota bros its finally happening

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what movie

When JLaw started appearing everywhere? Exactly. Dakota a qt and very probably not touched by Harv gangrene dick.

I’m unironically hyped for the movie with Dakota and Elle playing sisters, this should have happened years ago

She was in that awful Runaways movie.

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her name isnt even Dakota what a phony

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>Dakota and Elle playing sisters

There are no guarantees in life. Do your best and save for the future

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idont get it

She was in Malcolm in the middle chewing in Reese's leg. Cute.
I would've love to have Dakota as me wife.

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>She was in Malcolm in the middle
I'm tired of people mentioning this show. is it really that good? I always ignored it when it aired and havent ever actually watched it

Must suck that your little sister got a better career

dakota has no one to blame but herself

do you guys think she would get mad if I called her North Dakota

>Real-life sisters Elle and Dakota Fanning will play on-screen sisters in the coming-of-age story adapted from Kristin Hannah’s international bestseller. The Nightingale, which is being directed by Melanie Laurent, is set on the eve of World War II and follows the sisters’ struggle to survive and resist the German occupation of France

need it or keep it, fanningbros?

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It's because audiences want to fuck little girls
She became a disgusting roastie as soon as she turned 18

Do they get fugged by nazis?

oh I assumed you meant they would both be in equalizer 3. but yea you would think they would played sisters in a movie by now. have they ever even been in a movie together

At least the Olsen twins got ugly. What's her excuse for not having a career?

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the olsen twins got into drugs and partying/being socialites heavy. I would assume they voluntarily left acting because being child stars sucks and they would always be under the shadow of their material they made as kids. This is just a guess though. They're loaded and have been since like age 8 or some shit I assume they stopped acting because theres a lot of bullshit involved and they already had more money than most of us will ever have

yes its us

I think the only thing that they've both worked on together was the english dub of My Neighbor Totoro. Kind of a shame because the chemistry they would have had would be unmatched and you could really do some daring stuff with two sibling actresses, even if was as little Elle playing a younger version of Dakota.

Dakota has been doing a lot of tv work iirc

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