This film is just Robocop for pedophiles

This film is just Robocop for pedophiles

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are there even any kids in this movie?


What makes it for paedophiles? Also, I'd say it's more like The Raid, and Judge Dredd predates Robocop (which was mainly ripped off from The Dark Knoght Returns).

no but thats the exact excuse a pedophile would use

damn. you got me

That's stupid.

Shut up faggot

Braindead movie. Turned dredd into a superhero.


It's still better than the Stallone shit, plus it was great to see a female MC SHUT THE FUCK UP and be humble

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Is it also Jesus metaphor?

It had Dredd violently, merciless, and gloriously killing criminals while showing at least some of them were ordinary people in shit situations trying to get by. I'm sorry it didn't have enough in-your-face leddit-tier exposition saying "UM, ACKCHUALLY, DREDD'S AN ANTI-HERO!" for you.

You must be the demographic that those room temp. IQ YouTube"video essays" are aimed at to explain anything more sophisticated than the latest Marvel/DC shite.

i like this movie. Pure kino

no, it's Robocop without any of the charm, soul or anything memorable. I mean, besides that psychic chick. But that's mostly a coomer thing.

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Make me

That's 100 days in the iso cube, scum.

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nah, it was just an americanized version of The Raid. To not make it look like a cringe copie of The Raid, they used the Dredd franchise to hide it.

OP is a pedophile and he's projecting onto others. This is a gross thread

>the raid faggots still seething that people liked dredd better

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