Nah nah... I don't know about any of that, David never told me that, I think you're reading too much into it, anyway

>nah nah... I don't know about any of that, David never told me that, I think you're reading too much into it, anyway...

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Man does he really say shit like that on their show? What a fucking idiot

What did he say about paulies actors death?

what can you do
at least he didn't suffer


for that we can all be thankful

>the virgin deep analyzer
>the chad surface level enjoyer

I'm a huge jerseywops fan and I had to stop the podcast because of this idiot
It should have been Imperioli and Van Zandt

Honestly he's probably right. The Sopranos is a good show but some people treat it like a philosophical arthouse piece when it's really just well-written gangster genre fiction.

Do you think they'll ever make another video? Do you think when Steve dies they'll upload the mother fucks the world video?

He was losing his mind

>no no no.. miser david no tell me
is he consuela?

>You're ruining the show when you analyze it like that
Do you think Imperioli regrets picking him at his co-host?

>wakes up in the morning and goes "huh"
i don't understand this (esl fag) could somebody please explain this joke to me??

>any of you know what 'bacala' is? of course you don't

It was the other way around

does steve still sell the sauces?

you know quasimodo predicted all of this

Imperioli is too smart for this guy, however I did enjoy their podcast but I only watched half of the first season. Which season are they on now?

looks like fucking morn from ds9

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I always thought, ok, hunchback of Notre Dame, then you got your quarterback and your halfback of Notre Dame.. What, you’re gonna tell me you’ve never pondered the difference?

Hell yeah dude

nothing just anglos materialistic stupidity that equates sleep with mini death

Honestly you're a fucking idiot.

They're finished

They finished 7 months ago

Good, I'm gonna marathon it someday. Interested in what they have to say about their characters deaths

calm down chase

Bluechew gum, you know Michael when I was younger they used to call me the tripod. Did I mention I used to work at the post office?

They questioned David on a lot of stuff, if there was no subtext or esoteric meaning he flat out told them.