ITT: Shit movies held up entirely by the cult fandom

ITT: Shit movies held up entirely by the cult fandom

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You first


Big leredditowski
>german nihilists xD
>shut up donny xD

first half of this movie is a 4/10, second half an 8/10

>this movies comes out in 2012 or w/e
>I watch it and love it, but I'm too broke to even have a car
>still watch it over and over, dream of driving around
>current day, now work as software engineer making good money, have active social life
>can't relate to the Driver

Why did it have to be like this, gosbros?


>the cult fandom
nobody actually gives a fuck about the film itself. we simply identify with goose's character

you got it backwards

I love Duive

Your favorite movie

held up entirely by me

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i say drive is overrated al the time and always get gasps... its terrible


There Will Be Blood


I think OP meant films I got filtered by and think they must be shit because it has memes

Agreed. Drive being good is purely a Any Forums meme.

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I really liked the idea of an antihero driving around at night, ao I followed Drive up with Taxi Driver and Nighcrawler. What are other movies to watch to get more night driving?