LOTR is ruine-

LOTR is ruine-

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Okay, let's hide this obvious bait.

You're like a teenager who says something like "everyone is so phony". Yes, people are seething about the amazon flick because of racism. Everyone knows this. It's childish to point that out like it's not obvious to everyone involved.

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-d. Not gonna watch your shit show, what are you gonna do about it pussy

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>You're like a teenager who says something like "everyone is so phony"
Implying that isn’t true lmao

international hedgefunds and corporate interest groups didn't decide to exclude tom bombadil in an effort to demoralize and ethnically replace tom bombadil fans

He's right though. LOTR had a complete, detailed story, and instead they filled it to the brim with their alterations, which were often for the worse.
ROP literally has to make up most of their content, since the Second Age is the most sparsely described time period.
Tar-Miriel's entire biography is around four sentences.

if i had seen hackson's films as an adult and not a child i would agree a lot more with christopher tolkien. he is right that they turn the books into an adventure movie for children and teens.

as it happens i was young in 2001 so i can see the appeal and i appreciate them for what they are, and i get why the changes were made.

the reason i have no interest in rings of power is because it's fanfiction. the casting will be one of many shit parts, but it reflects the larger problem that those making it just cannot bring themselves to sincerely create a different world, but they must reflect all their values, sensibilities, and concerns in the work. same reason galadriel will be an action hero and whatever other crap they add

Why do (You) need to have a nigger present in literally everything (You) watch?

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why do you cry when one is present?

We've only seen some bait trailer, the final product will always be shit.

>everyone is so phony"
based Holden caulfield

If Hollywood and corporations continue to shove it constantly down our throat as a measly attempt to virtue signal, I think people have a right to complain about it.

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Correct. The minute add black into a cloud of white, it goes to shit.

was always there. you only care now because you are moronic and are told to care

Yeah but it got worse and shittier.

Told? By who?
Ah yeah the right wing shadow groups who have as much power as the several fortune 500 companies and the 24/7 agitprop from every corner of government.
Get fucking real kid. You don't need to head to Any Forums to discipline the people on her, plebbit will welcome you in open arms.
Oh and by the way, tongue my anus nigger.

no you just got more cynical

Nah you just became more of a faggot

Any Forums and trump. dont bother claiming otherwise