Why are american negro movies so comfy?

Why are american negro movies so comfy?

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It's like a trip to the zoo.

A lot aren't. They're just black versions of British comedies. This movie is kino though.

i will never watch this movie

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Why did they even bother making the non Chris Tucker movies.
Mike Epps is alright but not funny enough to carry the whole thing

>They're just black versions of British comedies.
You’re thinking of Tyler Perry putting on a dress. Madea is very British style humor.

i thought next friday was pretty good, but friday after next was kind of gay

Part 3 is the best one tho

>enters thread about topic he doesn’t care for
>gets mad
based sperg

The first movie was a bit of a comedy-drama, but the sequels became straight comedy.


break yoself

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>Bernie Mac
>Tiny Lister
>J. Witherspoon
Wow, half of that cast is dead.

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>you will never get government funded housing, food stamps, welfare, and free healthcare while spending your days drinking 40s with your boys and catcalling crackheads

Why even live

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That fat chick died too.

There is no similarity between Friday and any British movie. What a retarded take

it costs nothing to literally downgrade your life, only issue is coming up with a cover story

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Yeah but white people dont get section 8, snap, free healthcare, and cash welfare benefits

Weren't they making a 4th one but canceled it when the actor playing ice cubes dad died?

This. My ex had a well paying job and still got EBT. Her previous ex abused her and the judge gave her EBT just because.

Its still happening, Cube said Chris tucker is coming back too
