"freeze frame"

>"freeze frame"
>"record scratch"
>"Yep, that's me. You may be wondering how I ended up in this situation"

Attached: 742483483588.jpg (768x768, 83.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is it from?

Excellent work 47


google search it you retard

China, of course.


Lol those bugs got squished. Knew it was bugs from the white suits

You fucking cunt. Useless piece of shit.

How hard is it. I found it with four words


>no webm
fuck you op

well that one under it is bi-sected

that timing tho.
it could have fallen on the stage but no, it struck him right in the face and chest, not even to the side.

This is God's wrath for male kpop, that shit shouldn't exist, it's an aberration of nature.

"Screen fall on stage"
Or just get spoonfed

>hahahaha bad thing happened to someone and that is FUNNY TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: redditor.jpg (407x400, 23.33K)

Look at that fucking imbecile telling us to google. How useless can one be. His only purpose of existence is to provide links and not tell people to google something.

fucking hell

it's funny if they are asian or black or female, but I draw the line at laughing at violence towards children, white men or animals.

it's just a led screen grandpa, they don't weigh five tons like back in your day when band members got crushed by stage lights.

imagine how kino it would be if the screen fell flat down on him and the camera it was displaying was aimed at him and he saw his own demise

a reasonable rule. I will adopt this.

here you go fags

Attached: excellent work 47.webm (720x1280, 1.26M)

>insect gets bisect
China numba one

Attached: 5A4C563E-EA4B-4B33-8AF0-D49109C4BCB9.jpg (326x584, 109.23K)

large format displays weigh more than your shitty panel, yes. they need to be brighter and handle higher levels of heat. which means less plastic and more metal/glass.

god i wish that was me

I hate slapstick

>literally running right to the exact spot he needed to be to get creamed
Can't be coincidence.

corea or china?

i'd be impressed if the video on the screen wasn't affected at all.

>only one with a man bun
god bless

Attached: 1395460738586.jpg (222x216, 8.54K)

ty user

What do you think was going through his head at that moment?

Chinese Japanese dirty knees falling lcds

Please, PLEASE tell me he is safe.
PLEASE tell me he didn't die

You know what woke crowd would say if White American raised concerns about panels before the show?

Jesus fuck