What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

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Typical throwaway MCU villain

There wasn't a point to any of it, they didn't plan the sequel trilogy, they hoped it would ride exclusively off brand loyalty, nostalgia, and political pandering. Hit those three marks and you can make the worst fucking thing anyone's ever seen but because the feefees get stroked right, it's held up as a modern masterpiece with followers who will fanatically die for it.

>all villains are incels and bad looking
>all heroes are chads and good looking
>this is totally not cia social engineering

Snoke was a Force-sensitive humanoid genetic strandcast male who ruled the First Order as Supreme Leader during the New Republic Era. Possibly unaware of his true nature, Snoke was an artificial genetic construct created on the planet Exegol by the Dark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious and his Sith Eternal cult during the reign of the Galactic Empire. After Sidious' resurrection, Snoke's body held no use in the Sith Lord's goal for restoration, so was instead utilized by Sidious for his natural Force-sensitivity as a proxy he could manipulate for his Contingency. Though Snoke possessed an independent mind, he was obliviously influenced by his creator from afar.

Oh, you expected the new villain to be important and significant?
>S U B V E R T E D

The main characters of the sequel trilogy were plain to ugly looking.

I'd fuck Daisy desu I don't know why people here say she's ugly

It's literally been like that since the dawn of fiction

To provide a Big Bad in the absence of Palpatine. But then....

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I like her SFM

She's a real plain jane

He was supposed to be a symbol of ((Patriarchy)), you know, old white man in charge of power etc.
That's why his stupid spaceship also had the name The Supremacy.

depends on what movie you're looking at, because the trilogy had fucking zero plans
>in 7 he was the Emperor standing, since 7 was trying to set up a trilogy using the same formula as A New Hope
>in 8 he was killed off as an example of Rian's desire to subvert everyone's expectations
>in 9 he was retconned as a Palpatine clone so the series could still do the Kylo redemption arc without having to make a whole new villain from scratch
he's probably the best example of why the sequel trilogy sucks

>made a comic in after TLJ explaining his backstory and Kylo grooming
>instantly invalidated by TRoS and had to be recontexualised so work

Your really gotta wonder what that story group actually does.

This is why the sequel trilogy drives me berserk: the reliance on other media to explain the state of the galaxy instead of showing it or even expounding on it in the films themselves. It's like they slapped Genesis Climber Mospeada onto Star Wars and said "THIS is all related!" when nothing looks or feels the same as what came before it.

Literally 5/10 and barren to boot

He coveted Rey's lightsabers because his power level doubled in their presence

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Like how that Leia book basically tells you why the galaxy is the way it is in TFA, but you have no fucking clue watching the film.
Same as Cinder being shown in a video game.