Any other shows with brilliant writing like this?

Any other shows with brilliant writing like this?

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Cringe, go take your anti-depressants

>Any other shows with normal words like this?

Those words look pretty normal. Except they are being spoken by an owl woman.

Literally any other show with competent writing and a set plan.

>You know, it's funny. When you look at soneone through red-colored glasses,
>all the red flags just look like flags...

owl hot

Normal flags but rose colored.

>do you hear that sound? it's every screenwriter in the world whispering a reverent "FUCK" under their breath

>grief is just love persevering
I dropped my funko when I heard that line. I was awestruck

This show seems good, but I have a hard time watching media where the main character is a whiney, entitled, and genrally unlikable piece of shit. Should I give it another try?

So what is the deal with this show? is it just a horse man that is depressed ?

Archer and arrested development. They’re both very witty shows with obscure references and callbacks. There really is no show like bojack though.

Basically, yes. He's depressed, but also a piece of shit, and continues to be a piece of shit throughout the entire show, which makes him more depressed. Surprise surprise, by the end, he's still a piece of shit.
But also he's a horse

No. The writers and their faggy self insert ruined the show by making Bojak comically irredeemable by retconing a huge plot point
The show also ends with no satisfactory conclusion.

>There really is no show like bojack though.
30 rock, girls5eva and party down

And you know what makes it so great that she's an owl? Nothing because she has not traits like an owl, she doesn't fly, she doesn't go out at night but she's an owl so it guess that has to do something with the story.

It started out by trying to criticise how fame can make mental illnesses and childhood trauma worse but basically ends with it saying "actually its entirely bojaks fault even though he tried his best to change and we just felt like ruining it for drama by making him relapse on a drug and alcohol binge for the 4th time"

>If you're always putting someone up on a pedestal, don't be surprised when they are looking down on you
Had a ton of roasties seething in comments when I put that as a facebook status years ago

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>what is grief if not the love that remains?
Whoaaaa fuckin blowin my mind over here

You were THAT guy in school, huh?

I enjoyed this show when I was an angsty teen. Kind of an embarassing phase to look back on, but there's much worse things to watch.

Does the horse have penetrative sex with the owl?

Yeah. And a cat. And nearly an underaged girl.

Rick and Morty.

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