Remember Terra Nova? What random cancelled shows do you recall?

Remember Terra Nova? What random cancelled shows do you recall?

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I member

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The Hard Times of RJ Berger

The show where every character talks vaguely about how something mindblowing is going to happen for 13 episodes. I miss LOST knockoffs. I think I've watched every one of them.

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Why was she being chased by a wizard?

Odyssey 5

Heroes Reborn

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Attached: Naomi Scott Terra Nova S01E04 The Runaway [28.45-28.54].webm (1920x1080, 3M)

The River. A one season found footage TV series.

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someone edit it so it's just her

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Karl Urban had a cyber leg & was a cop with an android partner played by a milquetoast black dude. There was also a robot fetishist tech guy & a no nonsense police chief. It was really cool but they canceled it.

It was like a better done take on the Will Smith movie i, Robot, except as a buddy cop show

Odyssey 5

Space Above And Beyond

Kind of a proto-BSG in retrospect only with, er, USMC spaceships. Semper fi.

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Holy cute

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Same. I remember how much flak The Event got for their abuse of flashbacks in a single episode early on.

>1 hour ago
>6 hours ago
>9 hours ago
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>1 day ago

I also remember the MC had way more chemistry with the "evil" assassin he teamed up with than his half alien girlfriend.

the CAPE


The only Tera I remember is Patrick

great waifu show

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