Go from making mediocre comedy

>go from making mediocre comedy
>to unfiltered afro-kino
what went right?

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flavor of the month nigger

I wonder what weird thing I could be good at if I had the immediate means to try something different

he's getting progressively better by abandoning racebait more and more

The Emoji Movie

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The void is the next step for this nigger

He's an anti-white leftist propagandist, nothing more.

It's mind boggling how smooth-brained Any Forumstards didn't understand that this movie was making fun of white liberals.

probably sucking cock

Just like the Jews they despise but want to be, they cherry pick white atrocities. White guy making fun of liberals? "Uhh based." Black guy making fun of white liberals? "This is an atrocity against my people."

>tfw they actually did that

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>He's just making fun of white liberals guys!

Yeah I'm sure he's totally tight with white rightwingers.

The point of Get Out is that "there are no good whites". Even the ones that are supposed to be on the melanated side are just as racis as the chuds.

>by abandoning racebait more and more

He has literally said it is impossible for him to make a movie that isn't about race:

>"I think it's impossible to make any movie without it being about race, because race is all around us," Peele said. "You can't have Black people in a flying saucer film and just have it be the same experience. It's not. There's a different relationship."
>He added, "My race, I think, has informed my entire artistic journey, and part of it has been trying to reconcile the box, and the box is that this country puts people of color in and trying to break out of that box."

By his own admission every project he makes is racial resentment propaganda and he fucking hates you whitey.

The self hating white liberal is stupid. Fighting for liberty and against the rich isn't about self hatred but they have to make everything a pity party. I recall attempts to shame me for my racial background and I can't be assed to care since whites just happened to be who dominate now. Replacing a white empire with an Asian, Hispanic or black empire changes nothing.

jews and blacks make ogaabooga kill wipio movie
left loves it, praise the black director as greatest movie creator ever pushes for more jogger worship
right cuck claim its "against the left". "the left are the real racist" also pushes for more jogger worship and competes with left for black sympathies
meanwhile black commit most of the crime in real world horror while pretending to be the greatest victim

>nigger marries a Jew
>jews use him as vessel for anti-white propaganda

Many such cases!

>already worships blacks
>blacks are somehow offended
its never enough

>You can't have Black people in a flying saucer film and just have it be the same experience. It's not.
How is that not true? A film about black people is different than a film about white people because blacks and whites are different. He means that if the film has black characters it automatically deals with race even if he himself doesn't insert the themes of race in it.
The second statement is also not about whitey but about what blacks are expected to be and what he wants them to be.
Also no, he's obviously some sort of left wing but he clearly isn't the type of super racist fuck all wypypo type. Nope has a positive white character. All of his favourite filmmakers are white.

>ywn be used by a FemJew
i am sad and angry

Shill post

Whats Peele even on about? Does the monster have to be a buck breaking allegory?

I have good news, user... you DO have the immediate means to try something different.

Unrelated pic of his wife

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why do the inbreeding jew tribe love nigger cock so much ?