How bad is going to be?

How bad is going to be?

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as bad as it always was

So one of the greatest, if not the greatest, animated shows of all time? Sweet, can't wait :)

The later seasons had some of the best episodes ever.
>the evolution one
>leela and zapp getting stuck on the uncharted planet
>a bunch that got me in the feels with Fry's family
>the proposition infinity episode with bender and amy. Topical but not in your face faggy
>mayan calendar episode
>men vs women
>kino ending
Others also. Nothing suggests so far it's gonna suck.

Imagine getting this filtered. I bet you love the later seasons of South park

It'll support trans rights. Fry will order food without drowning it in paprika, and that'll be like the holocaust, but real. You'll probably get Zelensky's head in the jar, supporting the current thing, or at least the current thing during production. Wouldn't be surprised if Fry turns out gay actually. Just the usual shit.

It has good episodes but it felt like S9-12 simpsons.
Also , the setting felt more a 'current year but in the future' with episodes like Robosexuality or the Eyephone ones.

not going to watch it and I have dvds of season 1 and 2

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the same. But you can't recapture that early 2000s feeling. Regardless, the recent news restored my faith in a higher power. Blessed be shclim.

Depends if they're getting an actual writers room again this time, and without diversity hires

The cumwads that bark about how only the first season was any good due to the "smart and niche humor" can stick their heads in a plastic bag of elmers glue and tie it

itll be terrible. the shows already been cancelled and renewed a few times and made it, but not with such a long gap. Not all the team is gonna return, and the world has changed enough that its not gonna capture the same feel.

it's gonna suck and fuck

it became scrubs-tier trying to force every episode into being emotionally impactful. I froget how many runs it had. 4? 3 plus that shitty too-many-parter bender's big score? the first couple runs were good.

I really can't agree with any of those. S6 had some alright ones (Body Swap, Mutant Revolution, etc.) and S7 is mostly ok albeit inoffensively dull a lot of the time, but there's a lot of stinkers mixed in, and a lot of yours are either rather mediocre, trend-chasing, or barely ok but not really worth watching a second time.

How do you even pick up the story from Meanwhile?

I like the one where Leela and Amy because these dodgeball butterfly ladies or whatever. It's not good but peak coombait.

The Obama episode was where I knew it was dead.

They just need to keep away from the topical shit, that mistake made most of the later seasons absolute garbage. Do that, and it could be great. I loved the movies.

>the Obama Kenya episode
>the iPhone episode
>the gay-- I mean robot marriage episode
Just a few that come to mind. They've all aged like trash, they're just unenjoyable and the original context is largely forgotten or outdated already.

With them spending their lives together and getting married in Meanwhile, the only meaningful way to progress Fry and Leela's relationship is for them to have a child.

gib leela amy wrestling

There were some good revival episodes, so I assume there will be some good second revival episodes, but some will be bad of course. I'll just enjoy seeing the characters again regardless.

i mean, the same can be said for the nappster episode, at least it wasn't a whole season of those episodes but.

overall, the later seasons were not terrible, it's just that the amount of good jokes you'd find in one episode of S1-4 were spread over 4 or 5 episodes. There are probably half a dozen passably funny episodes out of the lot.

S3 = S4 > S1 > S2 > S5.4 > S6 > S5.2 > S5.1 > S7 > S5.3

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I didn't even know what napster was when I first watched that episode, and it was still enjoyable

like some people have said, the last run had some good episodes but a lot of the cast was heavily flanderised, there were just as many bad episodes focused on whatever topical item was in the news at the time
I don't expect that to improve this time, in fact I expect it to get worse
I'm just not interested, won't be watching

also the al gore one. And the Beck episode is almost too embarrasing to watch for me these days

What's wrong with paprika schizo?