You know, if you had, like, ham in it - it's close to a British carbonara

>You know, if you had, like, ham in it - it's close to a British carbonara

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I'd love to give her a taste of my cream sauce if you catch my meaning

Be more specific, please?

>Eef my grandama had-uh wheels she would have bean-uh bike.

What happened here?

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>muh folie a deux
can't believe people buy that excuse

I'm convinced they were possessed by some sort of alien, or supernatural spirit. Swedish mythology has many accounts of people being possessed by trolls, by Floki, and in later folklore by the devil. They may have summoned these demons themselves and not known what they were dealing with, it's dark stuff. The same stuff Vikings used to use to go beserker.

no that's LSD

in english doc.

You've never done LSD I assume?

well if you're talking to demons you're not drinking vodka or smoking grass

>they were possessed by some sort of alien, or supernatural spirit. Swedish mythology
people like you are the reason there can be no progress in the world, you are too busy being enamoured by fucking fairy tales that you should have realized are nonsense by now

religion should have been outlawed a long time ago, it just encourages this fucking dumb superstition bullshit

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>religion should have been outlawed
You can ban religion but that doesn't remove religiously minded people.

>you can't question the science
>no, don't apply the scientific method to my politically charged opinion
>muh unassailable appeals to authority(but only the authorities that I agree with)

>Oh I do have some ham
>*unzips ham*

Retard lol


>book full of stories of competence and carrying a burden is holding back humanity
this is why you don't eat up propaganda

For me its Pretty Polly.

Reddit moment

I remember watching one of those Saturday morning kids shows she presented when I was young and her tits popped out briefly.


It's the way they make you feel.
