Did anyone else think this movie is anti-Christian pro-Western collapse propaganda?

Did anyone else think this movie is anti-Christian pro-Western collapse propaganda?

Be sexually free.
Miscegenate. On camera.
Evangelists and sexually conservative people are mentally ill serial killers who secretly want to be like the degenerates. Repression breeds antisocial behavior.
Do whatever feels right.

Movies like this are what leads to genocide.

Don’t even look at the early life of anyone involved behind the camera or A24, for that matter.

Attached: 5745FCFD-3BA4-436E-9217-3731E00BCAF8.jpg (220x330, 24.7K)

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I don't know what kind of church you grew up in but in mine all forms of popular entertainment were sinful, all movies, all non-Christian songs, everything on tv.

Horror films went down the drain when they became infected with women and "mUh Themes are most ImpOrtant".

How is this anti-Christian exactly?

I disagree. Lots of 80’s slashers had female protagonists. It’s the barren-womb subclass of movie directoressess.

Evang*lists are mentally ill s*bhumans

It's just a bad movie that doesn't deserve this much thought, user. Remember the whole "cut to next scene, then back to "old" scene, then new, then old one last time, then roll with the new" shit they did like 4 times in the movie? Great editing choice. Just an ugly film.

Christcucks are not well

>Evangelists and sexually conservative people are mentally ill serial killers who secretly want to be like the degenerates.
Doesn't happen in the movie. It doesn't condone any of these behaviors though. It does criticize extreme puritanism as engendering its opposite (televangelist's daughter becomes porn actress), so your only really fair point is
>Repression breeds antisocial behavior.
It's also a bit too flattering to the black guy and too cartoonishly le racist about the house's owner.
Other than that,the movie shows that actions have consequences, the crew isn't idealized in any way.
Also, a very important detail: X lowkey redpills viewers when the producer tells the distraught cameraman:
>ain't none of them nice girls

Really? It doesn’t happen? The jealously the evangelical old woman feels towards the young, sexually liberated pornstar triggers her to kill them all. She is basically a femcel in the movie. Of course, making her an evangelical who lives in rural America is about the only thing these guilty, white filmmakers can do. They can’t make her a black or any non-Christian denomination cause it may be perceived as -ist. They chose the white evangelist on purpose. It has nothing to do with addressing a problem with evangelical Christians in reality. It’s all about indicting this demographic.

I think this movie wasn't so bad.
Besides the whole bbc cuck shit.

Ti West is an atrocious character in all ways that would matter to anybody who ever cared about genre storytelling. A Trojan horse of absolute dross who has become the Mick Garris of contemporary horror. A joke who doesn’t know they’re just as terrible if not even worse than what they purport to rebuke. Just a horrid fucking atrocity in living, breathing flesh. I hope he continues to produce, write, and direct complete shit until the weight of his terrible dogshit chokes the life right out of him.

hard to argue with, unfortunately

Anti-Christian is by definition anti-west. The west is built on Christian moral values. I'm not even religious and I know that.

You're right inasmuch as the rural white poor, usually Christians, are unfairly turned into villains much more often than people of other races and religions. In this specific movie, however, the farmer's couple religion isn't the main aspect.
>jealously the evangelical old woman feels
The religious aspect isn't focused on when it comes to the old woman: she's mostly bitterly nostalgic and horny
She's the opposite of a femcel.

Yes, that's what I meant. Horror films have lost all sense of subtlety as well. We will never get films like The Thing ever again.

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It’s about Christian virgin girls succumbing to the virile power of BBC.

actually it isn't. the post revolution west and liberalism and democracy itself is based on rejection of rightful hierarchy. "separation of church and state" was a trojan horse ideology designed to uproot and destroy christendom.

Actually our present times are post-post-Christian times.
It's not as if they've started to invert on some ubiquitous Christian values yesterday, nah that's been going one for a century by now, at least in film, theater, art in general.

the west was built on white moral values. christianity is just a tool whites adopted to spread the values they already had.

haha fucking get fucked subhuman pagan
can't be this stupid

prequel on the way

>Rated R for some strong violence, gore, strong sexual content and graphic nudity.
Will watch