/bb/ Big Brother 24

HOH: Turner
Noms: Ameerah & Terrance
Veto: Michael & Brittany

Alyssa and Indy
Ameerah and Terrance
Brittany and Michael
Daniel and Kyle
Jasmine and Turner
Joseph and Monte
Nicole and Taylor

previously on /bb/:

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Paloma self evicted after they told her she's racist.

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>medically cleared
>still doesnt compete

just send her fat ass home

paul lost by 9 votes

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>Taylor isn't religious, still asks someone to pray for Nicole while assuming she's crying because of her mother's cancer treatment
>Nicole screeches to Daniel, refuses to say anything to Taylor's face until Daniel spills an entire plate of spaghetti out of his pockets
Why is she like this?

turner wouldn't be able to lift jasmine anyways

>brittney's husband's force ghost

why do they have brittany doing the running lmao

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Fags are catty

why would she think of michaels husband?

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>Turner has to sit out the comp because his partner is a fatty who can't stand heights
Man, he's lucky he's HoH. Imagine if he wasn't and in danger.

>Michael/Brittany vs Nicole/Taylor with Nicole throwing it
Michael is a COMP BEAST

the ass was fat

>I am completely rooting for michael and brittany

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Yes they do?

they have just enough time to squeeze in the leftovers

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Is this edited

i always like when they have multiple people in the dr

what species of hominids are these?

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post amira twerk

they didnt for the first veto in season 6.


here, fren

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Micheal cant pull that

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lewd chipmunk

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I was hoping she would be cute and awkward like Sarah Beth, instead she is just as annoying as Britini


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This editing with the heroic music is gonna be awkward if the Leftovers fall apart after a week or two

>no veto


they're gonna show it with the fallout tomorrow

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tomorrow's gonna be blindside butterbeans

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i bet she can only get off if you choke her and call her nigga
I want to make her cry so bad

or if they become villains

okay that was kino hopefully this season isnt a dud

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the dream is someone on ameerah’s side winning and putting up turner to get out but they vote out jasmine lol

Even if I like the alliance members, steamrolls are boring to watch, so I hope they don't have too east a time. Some infighting would be good

Welcome to the Based Squad

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>Trump-supporting ex-Mormoon
>Black beauty queen
>N-bomb-dropping rug salesman
>Gay public defender
>Black guy
>Latino-Arabic attorney
Is this the biggest crossover in BB history?

its annoying how the tv edit misses so many layers of gameplay, like old skool hasnt even been mentioned.... plus i thought it was such a cute moment to include the boys trying to get taylor to come up and being so excited to see her... and more of kyle showing his trust by telling the leftovers the info alyssa gave him. like theres just so much. idk how a showfag can enjoy such an overly edited portion of whats actually happening

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taylor has a very nice smile!

this blonde girl from love island is hot as shit no cap

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you ain't seen shit yet

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youre not wrong, but watch the n-beans

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they didnt show alyssa telling kyle about old school which was the genesis of the leftovers

I think she might have veneers, she has very big goofy teeth

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i agree i was mostly disappointed they left out kyle’s whole hype speech for taylor and how they were all waiting for her. and yeah, the whole thing with alyssa is crucial too. Hopefully they go more into things tomorrow, maybe flash back a bit


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what does this mean feedanon?

terrence isn't in the alliance

Na, I think she just has naturally big teef which I love

Turrence or Hat Man, please.


that daniel and nicole implosion was pretty autistic

they prefer to include 25 minutes of comp diaries it is what it is

there's gonna be TWO BLINDSIDES next ep (probably

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the episodes are for comps nowadays

wait.... youssef isnt full syrian???

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he's not playing he's just chilling in the house. he also tells everyone everything

I forgot that, per twitter analysis, monte is not black because his black mom is from puerto rico
he's syrian-palestinian I think

if they can last a couple evictions they will cement themselves in BB history. they cover every corner of the house and they are just running circles around the rest of them.

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tomorrow's episode is gonna be really good

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nice i watch about an hour of feeds each week admittedly. i like getting misted by the eps

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if you have a couple hours it's really worth watching the pound form (night before the veto) and the leftovers (night of the comp), or just the second one, it's great