/swg/ - Screenwriting General

How's your script, user?


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Other urls found in this thread:


finished 2
finished a tv pilot
got one about pirates thats at 92 pages
got two others at 40 pages
simple as

have 3 finished
am trying desperately to get representation
considering changing my pen name to something ethnic

So awesome this is becoming a general!
Feedback for the ass slasher guy I couldn’t give because sleep and then archived last thread - if he’s concerned about his killer seeming too normal, what if he made the killer someone who’s trying to reincarnate his lost love inside his victims, so it’s twisted and ritualistic?

it's a shit pilot and I need to rewrite it but I can hardly muster the energy to even get out of bed in the morning

Are screenwriting competitions memes or legit?

Take care of yourself first (to the extent possible if you have a deadline). Everything you do in a bad mental state is worse than it’d have been otherwise

mods = gods
looking out for the wholesome screenwriting thread
thanks user, you're right of course
a lot of it has to do with my current living situation
I live in Arizona and just can't get outside to do exercise.
anyway maybe some progress I can do is just posting my script for feedback from autists on the internet and then I'll have some stuff to rewrite
I wish Any Forums had pdf support like /tg/ but oh well
if it's a screenplay thread someone aught to post one

finished part one of a two-part film this spring, trying to find the time to bust through a block on part two, it's 69 pages (nice) and I am trying to thread the emotional anchors together since each story is thematically chiral to the other

How's your script, OP? Thank you for making this general, been waiting for more writing/filmmaking threads. Also, is anybody making films for themselves or is everybody trying to write so they can sell it off? Self-making is my plan, I have heard that that is often the key to success because you then shop your final product around and show folks that you can do it and then they trust you with a little money then more money then a lot of money and the next thing you know you're writing and/or directing Balls Haversack And The Wakanda Problem for phase 13 of Marvel.

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Idk I feel like they're memes

they're good for exactly two things:
getting feedback and getting publicity
if you acknowledge that neither of those things are guaranteed and are indeed rare results, you have the value of contests. Most just exist to liberate you of your money, but if you know that and don't actually expect anything from them, they can fun and sometimes produce results.

It's shit, it'll always be shit. And even if it wasn't shit, it would never be taken into consideration. Why? Because scouts and producers don't care about the quality of the work, but only how profitable and useful you can be to them in the long run.
As soon as some new talent hits their desk, and if their work is valid, they will go through a thorough and in-depth investigation of your life: your social media, your purchases, your google searches, your porn preferences. If these things portray you as anything other than a perfect encapsulation of the agenda they're trying to push (even more, if they find out you browse Any Forums) your work will be put bottom of the pile and your name between the undesirables.
And even IF your work is just too good for them to pass it up, they will do all they can to rip you off of any credit and creative direction, offer you a sum of money that you just can't refuse because "I mean look at you, you're just a beginner". If you ever find yourself in a room of people interested in your work, do not give in under any circumstances: bargain. Ask for-- actually, DEMAND -- revenues and the final say on any major change.

Also I'm ESL so all my characters tend to talk the same way

is the 1 page/minute thing real?

I like the idea but the stakes don’t feel serious yet and Elizabeth seems too unprofessional to be credible in the role
The jump from teaser to episode is hyooooooj too, I felt a little blue balled not seeing how Peter got out of that. Could maybe the agency show up, save him, and tell him not to put them in his report if he knows what’s good for him but he does anyway? That could be the start of the “interview”
Why can’t you get outside? AZ wouldn’t be locking down, would it?
Want any general thoughts on weaving those anchors together?

This seems like paranoia, and several other anons post about landing (tbf low ish) gigs in the industry and sometimes even leak set images here
I don’t think firms have the time or the care to go all Stasi on people like that, but maybe I’m just high on my own copium about being able to break in

Thanks for the feedback user
That's not a bad idea, having the agency show up.
I have done some rewrites since writing that draft and having the agency show up could actually slot pretty well into some changes that were already made.
I definitely agree you have a very good point about stakes as well.
I really really really like the idea of him reporting when he was warned not to, because that's a really strong character choice moment that shows motivations, morals, and consequences of actions.
>Why can’t you get outside? AZ wouldn’t be locking down, would it?
because it is 115 degrees Fahrenheit out and doesn't drop below 80 even at night

>look up script
>look up movie runtime

also look at any successful screenwriter and they all graduated from some prestigious art school, I didn't even go to university
I'm just doing it because otherwise I would have nothing to stop me from killing myself

it's paranoia and an exageration but there's truth to it. Either user's only absorbed the worst stories from the industry, or he's personally been burned. I've been on plenty of sets and leaked images here too. The only way anyone is going to give a shit enough to actually go full stasi on you is if you're running a high budget studio production or a TV show (which are often a bit more scrupulous simply because of the longer term public presence) or if a producer actively catches you posting pictures on your phone on a no phone set.

yeah it's pretty accurate
it can vary a little of course but it's a standard for a reason

>they will go through a thorough and in-depth investigation of your life: your social media, your purchases, your google searches, your porn preferences.
Kek, Hollywood isn't the CIA.

I'm having trouble trying to name my characters.

Help me with this one.
>girl, 14 years old, face of an angel but the body of a 21 year old woman, soft and perky breasts, golden blonde hair, virgin but sensual demeanor, innocent in nature, curious and playful. She smells like lilac and roses, she speaks with an eastern european accent.

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Claire is the go-to for any girl you need to empathize with

Awesome! It’s a real cool idea and it’s definitely massageable into workability. The choice felt true to the Peter you wrote
Are you going to try pitching this?
Also I do love a nice summer night stroll but I also live right by a park so not always replicable. I’d still advise giving it a try though