Press S to spit on this hack

Press S to spit on this hack.

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I'll press F to fuck

He will lose his Star Wars project quietly.

Isn't this the fourth time disney has been bitten in the ass from not wrangling their capeshit directors properly?
Are they so desperate to have their slop seen as cinema? They'll never be seen as quality film, so why bother with the charade?

He's working on a Star Wars project? Kek, he's an even bigger hack than I thought.

Only The Dark Knight Trilogy and Logan can be seen as cinema. Everything else is just popcorn flick garbage.

He's supposed to write it too and said recently he hasn't even started thinking of an idea for what it will even be about.

The new Any Forums boogeyman. You people are like reddit. Trump's gone ? Let's go for Joe Rogan. Same with this guy lmao. Ryan Johnson became boring, now you seethe about him.

Press C to coom to tranny porn.

Honestly after watching Ragnarok again I get it.
That film does so much to develop Thor's character and his place in the universe, only for all of that to be completely undone in Infinity War and render the entire movie pointless.
If I was Taika I'd be pretty pissed too and if they then asked me to come back and make a new Thor just so they can shit on it again I'd make it bad on purpose too.

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I've never watched anything he's been a part of but the stupid quiz segment with him Hemsworth and Thompson makes me want to kill him.
>No joke is made

>post about the guy 24/7 on 4chinz because have no life
>internet analytics hired by bossmen notice huge peak on talk about the guy
>analytics inform bosses
>bosses start hiring the guy because he's now hot shit according to analytics
it's your own fault, you reap what you saw shitposter

>basically ZERO hate threads for him on Any Forums, ever - maybe a few for JoJo Rabbit but those were nothing compared to this
>massive wave of hate started for this guy as soon as Black Adam trailer dropped
lmao @ DC shills

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>tapped by Marvel for the final film of MCU Phase 5
>hires his faghag GFs for multi-million dollar roles
>spends the entire time day drinking and fucking around on set
>calls it "improv"
>forces Himsworth into sexually compromising scene he isn't comfortable doing
>delivers a half assed product that doesnt even break even on the box office
>"lol, we all queer. nothing personal, keyd"

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I will never watch capeshit so I can't hate the guy. Boy is still his best film by miles though, doubt he can/will ever top it.

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What do I press to explosively shart on him?

he seems to have psychologically fallen completely apart. giving him the oscar was clearly a massive mistake.

-step 1: "confirmed"
-step 2: "postponed"
-step 3: "left the project due to creative differences/ parted ways amicably"
A few months later, vaguely passive-aggressive interview talking about a smaller project: " going back to my roots"

We ever even getting another star wars film at this rate? Is the Patty Jenkins x-wing film still a thing? They really got to stop signing on directors right before they deliver bombs.

>his Star Wars project
There is no Star Wars project. Kathleen Kennedy can "announce" whatever she likes, Chapek holds the purse strings and she's never getting another feature.

If Jonson's trilogy is any indication, they'll just shut up and hope nobody asks about it.

>We ever even getting another star wars film at this rate?
Disney absolutely NEEDS new starwars product, to advertise Galaxies Edge and Galactic Star Cruiser. The parks are where they really make the money, and they are very far from breaking even on retooling so much of it into some shit that no one wanted

Jenkins is in even deeper shit because of how ineptly filmed WW84 was. See how the Cleopatra project has also been quietly sidelined? Gadot will find another director if she wants the production to go ahead
Or that

You're retarded bro