Any good movies from here?

Any good movies from here?

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t. a Finn

Spurdo Sparde movie when?

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>Salaviinanpolttajat (The Moonshiners) (Swedish: Lönnbrännare) is a Finnish film made in 1907.
>No prints of the film have been preserved so the film can be considered a lost film. The original screenplay has also been lost. However, some plot descriptions are still known based on contemporary newspaper advertisements of the film.
>As the name would indicate, the film tells about two local men who are making moonshine in the woods. A customer comes to them, and while sampling the product they start a game of cards, which eventually leads to a fight. While the fight is going on, the local police shows up and arrests the makers while the customer manages to escape.

Raid tv-series is about the best thing we've created, movie's alright too.

Tuntematon Sotillas is kino

Will people think I am out of place if I immigrate to Finland? My father was Hungarian-Ukrainian and my mother is a blonde haired blue eyed Anglo-American. I just want to be left alone somewhere.

So Russian?

Back then Finland was an autonomous state part of the Russian Empire.

The 1955 film is. The latest remake is laughable trash.

Aki Kaursmaki mostly makes kino tho he made some muh poor immigrants films lately then quit and I think returned and is shooting a new film right now for a 2023 premiere
now those immigrant films weren't bad but just average so you can watch them still if you decide to see all of his films and you're not super annoyed by such a theme

Klass (2007) is a pretty good Estonian drama about bullying

They get overly sentimental with the main charatcers, I prefer Elephant for school shooting kino

It was surprisingly competent actually

Hard disagree. It's was a child's portrayal of war and an awful adaptation of the book.

It was*

That's not an argument

So? Neither was what I replied to. I'm not looking to argue, I'm not interested in changing anyone's mind.


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