Why do women find ugly actors like pic rel attractive? I look like him and ended up as an incel...

Why do women find ugly actors like pic rel attractive? I look like him and ended up as an incel, yet I've read that many girls crushed on young Hamill

What the fuck is going on?

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Women care about money and power

Are you timid?

How was he ugky? At worse he’s kinda avg or bland looking.

You don't actually look as much like him as you think you do.

your personality is dogshit, I can tell from how retarded you sound just typing this post out OP

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women find Han Solo attractive, not Luke

girls only chase what's on tv/movie screens
if they started showing steven hawking in films, the sick bitches will start looking for cripples to fuck

The girls who crushed on him were like 10-14 at the time, so he was older to them but still boyish and not threatening. He had pretty hair, pretty eyes with a dreamy sort of gaze, and a kind, gentle voice.

He wasn't really Devilishly handsome, but that made him seem more attainable. With Han Solo, you could imagine him being smooth and seductive, but you couldn't really imagine him falling in love with you, whereas Luke was easy to imagine as a potential boyfriend.

You wish you looked that good faggot kek

>le personality
>actually just code for low neuroticism and high extroversion

You don't look like him

Stephen Hawking unironically has a flock of HOT, SEXY college girl groupies that follow him around.

What you guys are forgetting is that women construct really elaborate fantasies in their heads and those fantasies are more of what they feel attracted to than actual objective reality.

He's dead though.

He is the definition of slightly below average, the fuck?

Money and power, they will simp for the worst in humanity as long as he has power or money. You know that those "Instagram Models" fly to Dubai and the other arab places to get gangbanged right? All for money. Women are shallow by nature and without a strong moral core they fall victim to their primal urges.

sure, when reduced to its lowest common denominator, no one wants to hang out with an introverted loser who acts like a spaz

In the 1970s American was still a white country and tastes were different back then

Do you remember that he got married to an ok looking woman, had kids and later divorced her for his nurse? Dude can't even move but the money let him not only fuck a woman and have kids but also cheat on her and get a new and younger wife. There is literally no depravity deep enough for women.

Yeah, NOW. When he was alive, you would see him on campus with a whole TRAIL of hot young babes following him.

Again, not because they thought a fucking twisted-up smoosh-faced cripple was hot, but because the FANTASY of making a connection with this brilliant scientist who is trapped in a broken body was a hot idea, in their minds.

That's what women are like, you don't have to be hot yourself, you just have to be a living stand-in for a hot idea or concept that women can build elaborate fantasies around.

This, he was specifically cast for looking "All-American." A phrase which no longer even has any meaning.

That’s all fine and well but you don’t look like him fucking lol

Why is it so hard to believe?

You’d easily be able to get laid looking like Mark Hamill unless you unironically have ASPD