Is America really this comfy?

Is America really this comfy?

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No. 9/11 ruined everything

No, AIDS ruined everything

No, brown people ruined everything.

>incel remains incel

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even worse, they browbeat him into writing the essay they were all supposed to write by himself

The red head is very hot.

>shitkicked by dad
>emotionally abused by dad
>eating disorder
>going to kill himself over retarded bullshit
>dumb loser freak wastoid
Come again?

>be Molly Ringwald
>get Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink at the very beginning of your career
>all eternal kino
>keep working until current year but never star in anything noteworthy again

How does this happen

Beautiful young women are more valued than post-wall roast

At least for one Saturday Brian had some friends.

john hughes movies were rich white kids doing rich white kid things for rich white kids to go see at the movie theater on friday night

She was in The Stand.

>john hughes movies were rich white kids doing rich white kid things for rich white kids to go see at the movie theater on friday night

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>can't even reply


your skin is the color of shit and you also smell like it.

After the wrinkles start to appear it's game over for flatties. Buxom ladies at least get to keep their big boobs and ass.

It was. Something changed, though. I can't quite put my finger on it. I need to watch some 80s movies again.

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Hughes films in a nutshell: DUDE COMING OF AGE. check out these high school clique stereotypes interact! ok now check out this shot of a wealthy Illinois suburb! duuude weed. duuuuude the nerd ends up alone! BRAT PACK BRAT PACK. fuck this guy

Is he the only one that really made it?

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