Anime used to be called "japanimation" as recently as 1999 (in a Simpsons episode). Why did the term get phased out...

Anime used to be called "japanimation" as recently as 1999 (in a Simpsons episode). Why did the term get phased out? Autistic weebs or PC-culture?

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I'm guessing the weeb fags that cried about people calling anime "cartoons"

Japan is smarter and better at art than western jew studios

>japs call all cartoons anime, even rick and morty and south park
>weebshitters for some reason realized this and call all cartoons from japan anime
>it was autism all along

Anime is less of a mouthful than Japanimation


Because it's a dumb term.

You're forgetting the shitty transitional period. Where every cringy news outlet was like

>this show is called a "animé" which is short for japanimation which is also short for japanese animation which is a type of cartoons from japan for adults. these are not your kids cartoons, no buddy these are grown up cartoons.

Boomers grew up with Speed Racer, Astro Boy, and Gigantor which were marketed to them as Japanimation. The early 90’s saw a big growth in the western fan base of anime because in the 80’s Japan’s economy was booming and they had more to invest in their production budgets for animated features and what they made completely outclassed nearly everything the US made.

Anime is more difficult to pronounce. I've actually seen it written as animé sometimes. That little thing over the e helps the pronounciation.

it used to really piss off weebs back in the day.

>cartoon translated to japanese is Animēshon
>japs shorten it to anime because Animēshon is a mouthful

>be me
>be jap
>call japanese cartoon japanese cartoon
>call western cartoon western cartoon
>have no idea where the fuck anime being exclusively a term for jap cartoons comes from and just shrug it off as some westoid culture like mcdonalds and xbox

Anime is the Japanese word for animation. Pixar and Disney films are considered inferior gaijin anime in Japan.
Japanimation and Manga were both American companies that distributed anime in the late 90s. And since they both had notable trailer reels at the start of their VHSs the name stuck until the internet gave us fansubs and weebs started learning common Japanese words.

It's a clunky portmanteau and obnoxious to say in conversation
People say Anime because it's simple, it flows off the tongue and it doesn't make you sound like you're talking about a 7 PM animation block that plays every Saturday on Nickelodeon

Cause saying Japanese Cartoon is too much so we just took the japanese word for Cartoons. However people in westoid spheres associate cartoons as something for children so why don't the english folk just call everything Animations instead of cartoons?

It's a very smart and informative term. It tells us straight away that it's animation from Japan.

>Japs aren't weeb enough to hang out with weebs

GenX Weeb here, Japanation was a sci-fi channel thing.

>fat weebs going around obsessively studying samurai and ninjas

that would the historical equivalent of japanese people dressing like george washington

>japanese friend asks:
>bro why are you always dressing up like ben franklin and shit
>oh you know I just love american culture so much

Actually it's deeper than that. The term cartoon actually refers to political cartoons found in newspapers coming from the latin cartone which means "strong paper" adopted by the English to mean satirical caricature.
Early western animations were "animated cartoons" which then got shortened over time to simply "cartoons" but still had the same function with cartoons like Gomer Pyle and Popeye being popular with sailors in WW2.

It wasn't until Snow White that anyone even thought to show cartoons to kids, before that it was adults only because they often included material unsuitable for kids.

The idea that cartoons are JUST for kids is purely a boomer phenomenon. In part because they grew up with Disney cartoons, but more so because of the spate of animated toy commercials in the 80s and early 90s which is when boomers were raising their own kids.

In reality cartoons are for millenials and you can pretty much track the "maturity" of popular animations by the general tastes of people born between 1980 and 1995. The exception to this is CalFarts which has unfortunately grown to dominate the industry which has been stuck in their weird bubble of trying deperately to recreate the "artistry" of a child's fingerpainting for reasons that make no sense to anyone else.

Imagine using Japanimation in a conversation. Objectively, you'd sound like a dork regardless of the context. I think that's why it was phased out.

Yeah dude.
The Flintstones was just a parody of The Honeymooners.
Shit was a sitcom for dads to laugh at while they had a beer after a hard days work

No it would be Japanese people playing DnD. Which they do.
Knights and Rogues are the western equivalient.
Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers, Victorian Soldiers. All have been adapted by Anime in various ways in the same way Chuck Norris adapted Karate for American purposes.