It's been a woke garbage throughout the whole 3rd season and even a bit of 2nd in the end

It's been a woke garbage throughout the whole 3rd season and even a bit of 2nd in the end
> punch a nazi
> proud lesbian, a role model for kids
> Any Forums alt-rights as "stormfronters"
> "All lives matter" said by a racist
How and when it's going to end? Your opinions on "get woke, go broke" in this particular case, will it happen? I don't see it, looking how much reviewers drool over this show.

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Are you saying 4channers wouldnt be alt-right stormfronters?

It's literally said in the show that stormfronters came from Any Forums, supporting a nazi Stormfront and Homelander later said "I don't know who they are", which is a bold enough reference to Trump and alt-rights during his elections in 2016.

>It's literally said in the show that stormfronters came from Any Forums, supporting a nazi Stormfront and Homelander later said "I don't know who they are", which is a bold enough reference to Trump and alt-rights during his elections in 2016.

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Why can't you laugh at this ridiculous shit? Are you some kind of snowflake? I don't see leftoids crying about The Boys making fun of corporate wokeism. Just you.

If you were unable to see this coming from the pilot episode, you should just keep consooming the goyslop like the retard you are

Seethe and cope, you and your board lost, polcuck faggot.

script writers are an in-group and they're actively pushing ideological propaganda.

if you're watching modern shows, stop. they're all garbage. scriptwriters are the first against the wall when the revolution starts. and journalists get the rope. and jews go in the ovens.

>first season hammers home that supes aren't good people and they're a regular part of the world that can kill you accidentally or for fun at any moment
>all this is dropped in S2 and beyond

No heroes even do hero shit anymore even in the background and there's no stakes to anything anymore.

Rent free

Sorry you can’t be racist on the internet anymore without being knowing about it

The radical right has completely ruined their movement by being overly sensitive to every little thing

What do you expect with fucking Seth Rogan on their writing team. He more than likely smokes a joint and comes in giggling, saying something along the lines of "dude...we should totally own those Trump fascists and here's how hehehe"

And then we wake up

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This it's just not that fun to watch. Peaked with the Disneyworld and orgy scene

Garth Ennis would never have allowed this

webm is unironically a metaphor for western civilization. white people have a clear goal for the future but nigger horses are fucking it up for everybody.

Wow Any Forums thinks something is woke, what a completely noteworthy opinion

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> I don't see leftoids crying about The Boys making fun of corporate wokeism. Just you.

Whenever a fragile conservative gets ass blasted over any kind of parody or joke about the alt-right, a gay black trans angel in heaven gets its wings.

It takes a special kind of retard to complain about snowflakes while being easily triggered at the same time.

Here is a big hint you fucking zoomer retards.
If a movie or film has morally ambiguous characters, its a woke show.

>Why can't you laugh at this ridiculous shit?
I can filter it out since I'm an adult, but desu the kind of reality that this show displays is frightening.
> if you complain about an agenda, you're pol, everybody else just eats it

Some horses are just fucking cunts I gave mine away he was a slobbering retard cunt who was untrainable I fucking hated him every other horse was based especially his redhead mom
That's what I get for breeding a manlet horse never again

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>What do you expect with fucking Seth Rogan on their writing team
Who the fuck is Seth Rogan?
> t. me
I went it because I dislike capeshit, that's all. Sooo wtf, qrd?