I'm halfway through "Lost Highway" and what the fuck is this movie about?

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I'm watching Sesame Street on 4.5x speed and I can't understand the vampire keeps counting someone HELP

Watch it slower
(Not trynna tell you what to do just a friendly suggestion)

He doesn't know


i honestly dont have a clue, but that soundtrack was the second movie soundtrack i ever bought

I want to chew all of that all at once please let me do it It would be so tasty

One single hint ok? Unreliable narrator

Wouldn't fit doofus

So unreliable he never even showed up to the recording Boothe, huh?

>Thinking films have to be about something.
You'll never truly appreciate kino if you don't divorce yourself from this narrative-centric perspective.

Unreliable narrator means what you see in the movie is through his perception which may not be entirely accurate

80% of the scenes in this movie are boring.
The house guy is cool though. I like that creep.

Of course it's not entirely accurate. None of it ever happenned, it's a fucking movie.

Excellent take

Yes it would

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its about male sexual anxiety
he can't keep his dick up, imagines his wife judges him, and invents a world to try and be a real man

Just wait til the end it will all make sense. Do you have no patience?

Yoooooo this real?

I have a box full of 2000-era Garbage Pail Kids gum somewhere. Not mid-80's era because I ate those immediately upon opening. Fuck your thread. If you wanted me to answer you would have used a related pic.

You have a right to an opinoon