Where are the jokes?

Where are the jokes?

Attached: Cope and seethe.jpg (678x452, 21.56K)

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I think that scene would be really funny if someone farted.

was their intention with this shot was to make this sumbitch look as ugly as humanly possible? because it worked

The acting is the comedy.

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I think they wanted to make killing slavs seem okay with this scene cause he looked so retarded


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It's a subtle joke user, you see. The film's title, "Come and See," bears a shocking resemblance to "Cum and Pee," both of which come out of the penis. Instant classic and completely kino.

Superior Slav kino coming through.

Attached: chekist-158771097-large.jpg (320x455, 32.01K)

you mean this

Attached: The-Ascent-1977-Russian-Movie-Poster.jpg (500x750, 36.92K)

that looks like propaganda, hard pass

Whats this from again?

daily reminder that this film is Russian propaganda to frame Ukrainians as collaborators and nonexistent war crimes

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Come and See is one of those old bitter beer face commercials that got made into a whole movie as a money laundering scheme that went too far. inb4 (((fact checkers))) come to Correct the Record™

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The movie is a subtle joke.

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this shit was tripping me out, what in the fuck did they even mean by this. i still do not understand.

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Jokes are... le bad!

i like how everyone in the village knows about the island in the bog
nazis arrive? everyone to the bog
cossacks arrive? everyone to the bog
poles arrive? everyone to the bog
mongols arrive? everyone to the bog