Contrived western dog kinos cannot surpass TRVE SOVL

Contrived western dog kinos cannot surpass TRVE SOVL

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This is the CIA's fault

Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan has become even more shit, if that was even possible

I mean they take care of dogs now. Muslims think its unclean to even touch a dog and will kill them like pests. Afghans took it a step further and kept them for the sole purpose of dogfighting

my favorite dog kinos only star women

Yeah no more child rape big shame

This particular afghan looks more Caucasian than most of his country men which can only mean he’s descended from Scythians ( a European people). Not surprising like most white people, he dies drugs and kisses his dog in the lips while also drugging his dog.

imagine how blissfull the snuggles must be

That post was a journey. Write more like that.

Why are there so many ESLs on the English-speaking internet, anyway? Not like you’re experiencing any kind of economic turmoil or violence on your side of the internet, what are you running from other than people that are more like you, speak your own language, act more like you? And then to come here away from them, where the whites are at and act like you’re not actually following and it’s just a coincidence that you’re here around us. You gay boring Any Forumsirgins are so nonstop unaware of yourself that you can’t be sentient, there’s truly just no way.

>Hah, you are multilingual... this is LE BAD

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>don't come to MY country you dirty foreigner
cringe opinion but okay
>also don't come NEAR me on the internet
lol, not how it works dude

When I see someone on the internet trashing white people I mostly assume it's another white person. Sad!

Today I despaired a lot over how shit Any Forums culture has gotten and how you need to sift though hundreds of posts to find anything interesting or an user with an interesting point of view. Rest of it is trivial noise.

4 chan flavored reddit post

What did he mean by this?

>he wants his dog to suffer when heroin is like 3 cents a gram where he lives

I started laughing my ass off thinking it was a joke until I looked it up and found out it isn't. Why bother giving an addicted dog heroin? Why not just let it go through withdrawal?

The browning of any space reduces its quality immensely, because they lack even the self awareness to realize that they're equivalent to children mentally and don't have the capability to grow beyond that point.

It's just a few days and then it's back to being non-addicted. Unlike humans who have advanced cognitive processes and consciousness, dogs can't introspect and think "damn I really miss heroin, I have to be careful not to relapse", once it's detoxed it's over.

t. kisses his dog on the lips

What a vibrant culture

>getting mad someone only speaks one language

Incel vibes, my dude.

theyre probably both addicted and he feels affection for the dog. it's like being homeless and starving and giving a dog some of your food.

I really hate ESL's. Just stick to your shitty language please, stop butchering ours.

but that wasnt what he was criticizing, user... reading comprehension lvl zero

Why come you think your big man? Jajaja bitch.

Make me, pidor

wtf is on top of his head lmao