What am I in for?

what am I in for?

Attached: leon.png (335x474, 253.89K)

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you're going to feel things that make you start questioning yourself

Underage jail bait sex

Herschlag in her best role.

Natalie portman being sexy

It's boring as fuck but thankfully there's Gary Oldman to save it.These taxi driver and joker movies are fucking shit, can't relate and they are are a snorefest.Pusher trilogy is my kind of shit before you think am some pleb

Attached: pusher-trilogy-pusher-with-blood-on-my-hands.jpg (1000x621, 86.48K)

Felt bad for enjoying it. She was way too young for this role.

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Sôy version of The Mechanic

I hate seeing my crushes as children. I’ve blown countless loads to her, especially in AotC, I don’t want to associate an onscreen child with that.

Besson is good at that. Princess Selenia was an awakening for many

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She was wearing the sames clothes for days?

underrated kino

>The Mechanic
the Statham one?

Any movies like Léon?

An evil child abuse movie. Don't watch it

>can't relate
lmao, please tell me how you relate to anyone in any one of the Pusher movies

Kino and a fantastic Eric Serra soundtrack.

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was the choker necessary?

Here is a Marta Timofeeva doing a scene from it

The character is based on Victor in Nikita, good Besson movie.

Attached: nikita2.jpg (728x409, 174.42K)

Obviously the Bronson one.


Attached: 1231461_la-femme-nikita.jpg (1272x760, 91.81K)

what's wrong

>Things go to shit absolutely randomly
>This guy shows up
>Immediately gets fucking worse


what did they mean by this?

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In the versions I watch she doesn’t get fucked.

reminder that Besson didn't create this film. He directed it, but the universe (concept, setting, characters, lore, designs) came from a writer/artist couple that was friends of him : Patrice and Celine Garcia. They approached Besson with the idea of making a film of their universe. Celine wrote the screenplay with Besson

Attached: arthur-et-les-minimoys-movie-1435283347.jpg (453x617, 99.45K)

He kind of saved the mission, without him it would have been aborted. It was bloody I'll give you that.

Watch the International version.


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Tiny Terror

>International version.
It's only the "director's cut" in DVD, all countries had the theatrical version.

she'a a child