What went so right?

What went so right?

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Fun and original universe with good action scenes

Keanu getting really into guns for the role helped the movies a lot


Attached: John Wick.webm (853x480, 2.76M)

I hate Keanu Reeves so fucking much


the music

A solid emotional core to the story with the dead wife and the dog. Without it you just have a series of mind numbing action scenes a la the sequels.

no you don't
you just think you do because of reddit

The first one is the basically the only good one and they're kinda reddit overall (not because of Keanu, just the tone) but I have to appreciate the effort with the action scenes in all of them.

I just don't like Television & Films that have edgy asshole characters and try to make you like them.
Also, I thought 2 and 3 did too much weird stuff with the criminal underworld lore. They didn't have to make it that complicated to make sequels.


It was good.

Attached: They took a finger.webm (720x300, 2.08M)

First image from the fourth one

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I think also because Keanu lost his finance he could give a good performance in the role as a personal catharsis.

It's what happens when a stuntman who loves martial arts and action movies gets to make his own movie.

Reddit level john woo fan fiction starring someone who can't even fight
Jesus christ...
>aww the doggy ablooblooobloo
Exactly why these movies are terrible. Even action movies need to have someone who knows how to write a screenplay

Good to see Fishburne with Keanu again

Why didn't they end it at 3? I went to the theater to see it thinking it was the conclusion.

>aww the doggy ablooblooobloo
Literal autistic retard

>What went so right?

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Wasn't the stunt guy director the guy in the goofy rubber monster costume in the wacked out sequel to that wonky ass cyberpunk as fuck Nemesis series where he's hunting the souped up genetic muscle woman sent back to the past to hide her from crazed androids in the future?

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The first movie is objectively the best. That said, every movie is thoroughly enjoyable and comfy, because at the end of the day gun man doing cool gun things will never not be fun. They also all consistently manage to put nearly every other dumb action flick to shame with how much effort and creativity goes into the fight scenes. What's your favourite user?
For me:
>The nightclub scene from the first movie, can't beat it

Also, if you enjoyed john wick but want something that isn't just sequelerino number 345757, watch Polar on netflix. It's basically john wick but with graphic sex and madds mikkelsen. Anybody else here seen it?

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this, the directors even said it was supposed to be a trilogy
stuio got greedy and made them drag it out

I dont even remember there being a 4th.

Did he die yet?