Was there literally any thought put into this other than

Was there literally any thought put into this other than
>"Stormtroopers and Boba Fett look similar and use similar weapons so they should be related!"

Attached: 41cdc11a76392a41ffb001b9569ad3c5--star-wars--jango-fett.jpg (337x425, 43.46K)

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This is by far one of the most retarded retcons. There is not a single story/thematical reason for Boba Fett to be a fucking clone. It adds nothing. There is not a single reason for the clone army to be clones of Boba Fett. It was done only because "REMEMBER BOBA FETT?" Him being a faggy maori manlet only detracts, it doesn't enhance the story in any way. There is no reason Boba Fett should have been in those movies at all.

Also, Jason Wingreen > Morrison

kys faggot

You got blown out in the last thread. Who wouldn't want an army of the most strongest bounty hunter?

There is no reason to make Jango and Boba Fett related. Jango is literally a reskin, a clone of a character from 1980 movie. Why? For what purpose? Why can't Boba Fett be his own character? It literally adds nothing to the story. It is pointless and irrelevant, and only ruins the coolness and mystique of Boba, on top of cool as fuck voice.

i had this wallpaper 20 years ago as a kid and thought it was badass

George already fucked up by giving Boba a lame death, as well as a minimal role in general. He may as well try and remedy that by making him more important later on.

To give more insight into Boba Fett as a character. You just want a mysterious nothing of a character.

What does it fucking matter if he’s a clone or not. His face isn’t shown in the OT so who cares

What a salty, annoying neo-boomer you are.

Jango Fett/Temuera > Wingreen and his shitty 4 lines boomers jerk over.

Jango would've killed Mace Windu if his theme music was playing


That's not a retcon is user.. Literally nothing was known about Boba Fett. Making him a clone is a story addition by George, not a retcon, but I expect nothing less from OT fags.

Now Boba Fett is a fat maori manlet, a charisma vacuum, that can not act to save his life. You deserve this Boba Fett.

Also, imagine unironically saying that Morrisons boring, uninterested, apathetic, slow voice is somehow better than Wingreen.

I am ashamed to share a board with you, faggots.

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it has roots in the original early ESB concepts that Boba Fett, before he had that name, was an elite Imperial supersoldier, more elite than Stormtroopers. Originally Boba's outfit was entirely white. So this was Lucas revisiting old concepts and reworking them, whilst providing some backstory for Boba Fett

It is a retcon. Boba Fett was Jeremy Bulloch (1.83m) who was voiced by Jason Wingreen:

Now he is a faggy maori manlet (1.71m), and his voice was literally changed and retconned. It is a retcon.

Attached: fd0fcbe7e5bc73bbf0443ef41a0ee58f.jpg (3712x5616, 2.88M)

Boba Fett actually has two origins. The first one was given in the 90s novel The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett.

He was originally a space policeman named Jaster Mareel who had gotten booted off the force and became a bounty hunter named Boba Fett afterwards. Then Attack of the Clones came out and made everything all fucky.

a charisma vacuum

AHAHAHAHAA and the OT boba and wingreen were charismatic???/ the dude sounded like a fucking raspy robot, Boba is a wooden character.

I'd take Morrison any day.

You'd take cock up your ass, prequelfag. Doesn't make it good.
> the dude sounded like a fucking raspy robot, Boba is a wooden character.
Are you wrong about everything in life?

You do realize this Boba was an alien, right? Not an actual human character. Just saying.

Again, that's not a retcon. Height is not a retcon, actor change of a character whose face was never seen is not a retcon
That's like saying Dee Bradley Baker's clone voice is a retcon.


Attached: white supremacist boba.png (425x634, 502.27K)

He was pretty human in the movies.
>comic books
No one cares.

>ad hominems because he doesn't have a compelling argument as to why someone with 4 lines is better than someone with actual characterization

Ok so you have your 4 line nothingburger character

Boba had been around for two decades and had developed a cult fandom ofc Frito was gonna give him a backstory in the prequel literally free money

>He was pretty human in the movies
How so? They never show his face.


I'm wrong about many things, but i'm right in saying Boba Fett is wooden, Wingreen was wooden and it is laughable that you call Tem's Boba non-charismatic, yet think Wingreen was. He was not, Boba as a character is not charismatic. Full stop. It is emabrassing how over these years OT fags have deluded themselves, you have created a false idol idea of Boba Fett in your head.

The reality of Boba Fett was he was a cool set of armour, but charismatic?

4 wooden raspy lines are not charisma.

Looks human, talks human, has human form and proportions. All other aliens in the OT were either deformed or did not speak proper english, or both.

I mean boba was charasmatic considering the impact he had on the short amount of screen time he had

That's Enigmatic not Charismatic.

>Looks human
He's covered up.
>talks human
So do Ki Adi Mundi and Yoda.
>has human form and proportions
So does Darth Maul.
> All other aliens in the OT were either deformed or did not speak proper english, or both
The OT had literal Satan-guy aliens who may as well have been human if not for the fact that they had horns on their heads.

He looked cool

He wasn’t charismatic that is a completely different thing

Battlefront 1 was made with people like you in mind, give it a spin