This is gonna be the first good live action anime

This is gonna be the first good live action anime.

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>Japanese production
>Anime adaptation

3 strikes, you're out

Riki-Oh exists

Says the fucking Netflix shill, of course. How's that sub count going for you guys?

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>Japanese production
Seems like they are learning, no one wants american made weeb shit.
Amazon is also buying the rights to distribute Kamen Rider Black's reboot.

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High budget
>Japanese production
No diversity
>Anime adaptation

>High budget
You saw those posters of the actors and think they're spending more than fucking CW money on it? HAHAHAHAHAHA enjoy your slop faggot

High budget? Are you retarded? This shit will probably be cheaper than most Hollywood television shows without the need for complicated VFX and will probably look as bad as Power Rangers

>Uhh is that supposed to be me?

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Lanipator must dub over it when it comes out

He's sufficiently cute for me but I'm not convinced with japs production team.

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lmao, even

>This is gonna be the first good live action anime.
As usual, OP is a fag

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>the first good live action anime.
There are several already


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Name them

Yep, first and only.

Is it any good? I know the French love City Hunter but I don't trust them.

>live action anime.
ha ha.

It's the best live action anime adaptation I've seen so far. Hits the city Hunter notes beat for beat.

>nicky larson
lmao @ frenchies
now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to watching Coque Saeba's Cazador

Aku no Hana
Battle Angel Alita
City Hunter
Edge of Tomorrow
Ichi the Killer

I'll give it a chance then. Thanks, user.

Only the first three movies are any good. 2021 films were poorly paced and not as exciting.

All garbage except Edge of Tomorrow, which is so far away from the source material it's not even funny. And All You Need is Kill was a light novel anyway. It wasn't an anime.

Kek here in Italy they called Ryo "Hunter", no surname. And Kaori became Creta, no surname too.
At least the series was still called City Hunter.

Meant for

Shit taste confirmed

The Fable 1 & 2
Speed racer

Oh boy I can't wait to watch this on one of the many free streaming sites instead of paying for cuckflix!

Thanks for the free content you bunch of pedos

>not Julia
are you even trying italobros
I recall they changed everyone's name, even minor 1-episode characters

Literally an ironic film that everyone makes fun of because of bad it is
My mistake sir! I have seen the error of my ways! I won't ret it happen again! Prease forgive me!

Bleach? Fucking seriously? I can accept Speed Racer since I know a lot of people like it, but christ. Get that gook Jap shit outta here