Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

Attached: Brothers and sisters.png (596x306, 31.01K)

ugly poo bitch

Should be a comma after like, too.

good morning sirs

>She says, bathing in shit while also ignoring the rampant incest in India
Kek, don't forget how she blatantly made her skin lighter after she got big too.

>fucks white dudes
>can't stop sneeding about whitey
Why are non-white women like this

I'm brown and I have had sex with both of my sisters. And my brother as well. Mindy is just projecting.

why are they so obsessed?

also name one white family on tv in the past 10 years

No, yet another lame subhuman attempt to take whites down a peg with some moronic observation based on nothing

Why are non-whites so fucking obsessed with us?

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Ten buttmad replies as if she said "in real life". She said on tv the tv writers made the whites do embarrassing things, which is the same fucking thing you think, dumbshits

Damn whites be seething today.
Chances of a school shooting has doubled.


> I have had sex with both of my sisters
>And my brother as well

Unlike Indians who rape their sister and then get the whole famiky to stone her afterwards

Bloody benchod

in india they go straight to marriage

learn to read

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Please provide 10 examples... For uh, verification, you know?

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I protect her for she

Do these people interpret all non-hostile interactions as romantic or sexual? This type of thinking is the same reason everyone thinks close male friends in any show or movie are gay now.

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We really do live in a crazy society, where we freely invent made up reasons to hate white people for inventing every modern luxury and advancement, and then also spend all our freetime self-policing to make sure we never admit to the actual, real reasons to hate black and brown people. "Wypipo dont be spicin dey food!", but then we can't even have an open and honest conversation about the fact that blacks dying off en masse would make most crime nearly unheard of in most communities.

She's probably the type of person that misinterprets any show of affection in a movie or series as inherently sexual because her mind is fundamentally broken or she is simply projecting. Here's a real life case to indulge your fetish.

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