Oi, Souljaboi, You've done a toxic masculeene'e'. Deals off, we're saving 'Omelanda

>Oi, Souljaboi, You've done a toxic masculeene'e'. Deals off, we're saving 'Omelanda.

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the writers went out of its way to change multiple things about the comics

but billy butcher just had to stay british. laughable.

he's australian you dumbfuck


Why in the world does Annie fuck that puke Hughie. Its not even funny

Literally the same thing

no he's still bri'ish
SAS vet too
you dont retain information at all do you?


>Jack Quaid Biography, Facts & Life Story ; Religion, Jewish
its a fetish for ((writers)) to pair blonde women with ugly ((actors))

quiad isn't a jew

I've got a distinct feeling they did that specifically to annoy you lot.
I know if I was writing for a massive TV show that I'd think it hilarious working out different ways to make Any Forums angry.
>make a distinctly right wing character who's generally a deep character and is actually liked.
>turn them trans two seasons later
It'd be the funniest shit ever.

He's British in the show. Yes I'm aware his English accent is comically bad and sounds like broken Aussie.

reddit isn't happy, twitter isn't happy, none of my co-workers were happy
If this ending was suppose to be an "ebin jab at 4channel" then they bravo for the dedication of ruining the show for everyone else

If, like I said, it was me doing this I'd think it all worth it to see the Any Forums seethe. Ridiculously easy to do but to be the cause of it would be honestly the funniest thing I could possibly do in my life.

>I ruined my own career to make Any Forums mad

Damn you got us

cunt because she thought he was a bitch nigga even tho he doesn't want to be it's the whole conflict of their relationship

I'd make sure to be way too high up for it to be a career ruiner. Just get into the position where I'm in charge of all Any Forums's sacred cows.
>make tucker carlson attend blm rallies
>trick donald trump into saying trans rights are human rights
>make a twist in that chris pratt show that he's secretly a chinese agent

Love shills do shit like this and everyone laps it up
Can't wait until the turd flushes away such a shit TV show. Paid for marketing

I honestly am glad I dropped this show after season 1. Idiots like you think we seethe over this crap and we aren't just laughing at you.

>hurr durr i'm just gonna like, deliberately piss people off and stuff, lmao it's so funneh xd i am le mastertrole
There's a good reason why people like you used to just have the shit beaten out of them repeatedly then eventually killed if they didn't stop, without faggots like the police stepping in to stop it.


He is a little bitch for sure. Why did they change the story. I thought Billy showed him Annie giving head to all the sups but maybe thats Hughies thing

Is it not based and redpilled to cause people grief? Is Any Forums not all just jokes?
Why is it different when it's reversed?
Thin skin?

Why didn't they just make Butcher a Kiwi so Karl doesn't have to try putting on an accent?
His nationality has not been a part of the plot whatsoever so it shouldn't matter.

Don't forget that writers said that homelander Is drumpfff and how they fucked up stormfront. And why the fuck didn't she call a-train a nigger

yeah hes a cuck too. She never seemed too butthurt over not having BB's kid. Pretty sure she wanted to get knocked up by Homelander. rape my ass

Comic Billie was done so much bettet


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