She was perfect cast

She was perfect cast
She is so pretty
but she lacks sex appeal

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no tits

and that's a good thing

yes, no sex appeal

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i just watched this again last night. that third act is really really good. why did writing go to shit in the last ten years

Actually a good point. Works well for the kid's movie. She's extremely attractive but not in a particularly sexual way.

she's naked here. apples and bowling balls


Imagine you had a tiny dick but everybody could see it constantly. I feel very bad for titlets

I don't care for sex appeal
Pretty face+skinny body is perfect combination


Peak female body

all she needed was a little bit more tit fat, like c'mon God, why you do her dirty like that
gave her a cute face, cute bum, and no tits baka

Based. Whores are hot. Wives are beautiful.

>no sex appeal
You are gay, unironically.


>young woman with lovely face
>no sex appeal

Keira is sexy in that she has a 10/10 face and even without voluptuous breasts, she has a lithe, graceful body that can be described as feminine, like a ballerina.

She’s the type of girl who guys like to imagine as their gf but she’s not gonna make people pop boners in the theater

Imagine how bad Elizabeth Swann's crotch must have smelled by the third movie, months on a boat in tropic heat, same clothes, probably can't bathe with all the men around

>belly button piercing

It's simple, she's too skinny

She needs to be fattened up STAT

She had plenty of sex appeal but Disney absolutely hates female sex appeal and heterosexuality and tries to sanitize their every product of it entirely, unless it’s animated underage princesses