I watch Stranger Things for her

I watch Stranger Things for her

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Can u summarize what stranger things is about for someone who's never gonna watch it?

I've never watched one episode and never will

Like the Silent Hill games but shitty.

Kids Doing Strange Things

Who's this guy?

hang on, is she Ethan's kid or Winona's?

it's quite the stranger thing

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I have seen her breasts

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It's about trannies killing themselves

she looks lovely here, terrible in OP's pic

I want to be poor like Eddie, Max, Robin or the Byers, how do I do that bros?

fucking 80s man

best shit ever

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Government research project in the 70s/80s a to create psychic kids results in a portal being opened in a small town to an eldritch alternate universe and evil creatures bleeding through. A group of local kids/teens including one of the psychic kids band together to stop them.

there's actually this thing called the 'barcade', it's an arcade where we adults who do adulting can play all our favorite 80s epic arcade without annoying kids, while enjoying some hoppy IPAs

...so Scooby Doo but the monsters are real?

uma thurman


That dude on the left needs a serious shower. He looks so greasy