/WoT/ Wheel of Time Season 2

Showrunner Rafe "The Betrayer of Hope" Chudkins did an impromptu Q&A on his Twitter. Here are some highlights:
> The Seanchan will and won't have Texan accents
>Hopper will be in S2
>Weaves are getting a revamp in S2 to be more "thread-y" and have colors
>Rafe's favorite 2 person scene from S2 is Egwene and Renna the suldam
>Mat has had his plot changed the most from the books, but he says they're trying to bring characters back to where they should be by the end of S2
>The darkfriend social is going to be in the show
>We will get "Do you like to dance, Perrin Aybara"
>The Mat v. Gawyn * Galad scene is happening and they are "building to a believable version in the show."
>We are trying to get a fair amount of what’s done in Books 1-3 (large parts still being held for later) by the end of S2 so that S3 can be a much closer adaptation of TSR
>Season 2 is confirmed to be 8 episodes, but they will be longer episodes than in the first season
>The Origins episodes are officially canon
>Bayle Domon confirmed for the show

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and will he explain who the Dragon before Lews Therin was?

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I have no expectations other than that it will be somehow worse than already is and it will three times more woke.

I haven't watch the show past the first 2 episodes but what do you mean Dragon before Lews Therin? Like another turn of the wheel? How they justify all the lore changes or what?

Oh wow, he did. He went completely dark in fucking January.
>Mat has had his plot changed the most from the books
Yeah, as if we couldn't tell already, you fucking hack faggot.
>We will get "Do you like to dance, Perrin Aybara"
Yeah, from fucking Aviendha based on the leaks.

Rafe doesn't understand that Dragon was a title given to Lews Therin and thinks that the Champion of the Light has been called the Dragon during all of the previous turnings (he also thinks there's a "Dragon" in every Age and that they are just as likely to be born as a woman), hence why he called LTT the Dragon Reborn in the show.

I so sincerely hope that the second season underperforms to an extreme degree. After the Witcher, I don't have much faith in normalfags not being complete retards, but perhaps a sliver of hope.

The first season already underperformed, they completely failed to bring it into the public consciousness and nobody even knows about this shit.

Unlikeable cast

Unlikable and ugly as hell. Not to mention the entire season was the showrunner simping for Egw*ne.

Words cannot describe how much I hate these faggots for ruining my boy Lews. From the biggest gigachad in history into this pathetic loser who fucked everything up by attacking the Dark One for no reason.

How did this shit get a second season when no one clearly watched the first?

They started filming it way before the first season even aired.

>Rafe's favorite 2 person scene from S2 is Egwene and Renna the suldam
It's so exhausting

>watching the second season
Imagine being gay enough to watch the first

All these prestige shows for the streaming networks dont wait on ratings or viewership to start the next season. It’s not about making money, it’s about the message and getting it out.

Sunk cost fallacy baby, despite everything pointing to a swift axe it gets another season instead

I'm just here for the threads.

A hypothetical S3 is the earliest point we'll be able to see ANY possible course correction when it comes to the writing and cast, or anything that's not just post production stuff. They started filming S2 immediately after they wrapped up the first one so there was no feedback yet, no viewership numbers, nothing to tell them they fucked up with S1, so they just continued what they were doing. We can only hope they get axed after S2 and we'll get an animated adaptation from people who actually care before too long.

No, I get a second season. To my understanding, they often sign off on a couple ahead of time if they feel confident in something. I think they're obligated at that point to see at least that much to the end. They might be able to wriggle out of it if it's a massive stinker, but that's probably not easy.

On top of that, they're probably hoping LotR will draw in fantasy fans and that they will watch this shit as well.

Yeah, because that will stop them.

The animated shorts for the show are actually good, which shows that Rafe had no input in their creation

Obviously having a production team that actually knows and cares about the source material is still what it all depends on, but an animated adaptation would work so much better than live action for WoT.

what's this and why is a guy named Chud making it?

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