I rate any movie with no blacks in it 10/10

I rate any movie with no blacks in it 10/10

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Get help.


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Name one (1) film made after 2000 that this applies to

There will be blood

The Irish are honorary niggers.

overrated reddit flick


racism is too low iq, judge individually and grow up

High Rise

Be interesting to count how many movies dob't have blacks in them after 2000.

i'm a fan of the no blacks genre of film making.

This shit only works on the retarded

This works if you're bad at detecting patterns

heuristics are good you brainlet

You rate The Room 10/10?

the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

conspiracy 2001

I don't think there are any black people in Hobo with a Shotgun and I give it a 10/10

What if it has no black people but it's full of trannies ?

All of Bollywood and Chinese cinema


Is this supposed to be funny? It's sad how some of you like to revel in your bigotry...

For me a black is minus 3 (out of ten)

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what if a movie has 4 black people?

every time i see a black in a film i say why is there a black.

didn't the first Star Wars technically have none? besides Vader's va.