The I Don't Want To Go To Any Forums edition
Comes out on Adult Swim in less than 20 minutes. Two new 30 minute episodes

Attached: 813cb337-7caf-4d4c-847d-de69a9e335d6.jpg (1024x576, 66.7K)

Don't care. The woman ruined it.

Thank you user. I had no idea and ive been waiting for this

Episode titles
>Sea Of Despair
>Shadow Of Fate
I'd help people with a stream but idk how. Good luck

Taking bets now on which episode Spear and Fang will finally have sex

Fuck yeah! Did they surprise us with this?


That will be the cold open of Spear pounding into Fang’s cloaca

Any Forums is pozzed and disgusting as you would expect from people who still enjoy the bulk of western comics/cartoons.

This and Samurai Jack are peak reddit

If she teaches Spear to speak I'm gunna be extremely annoyed.

Based anti-conflict whales

Whats peak Any Forums


you're reddit

Nope that's bane you retard


get out with your childrens cartoons, faggot

Shark sequence was cool, good sode

Jordan Peele [as] commercial, EPIC

A plesiosaur would have cooler. But still damn good.

>still watching adult swim
lol faggot

Attached: 1653813361048.webm (1166x738, 2.95M)

tfw your sex rex starts sleeping with another dino