Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you fucking kidding me?

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I don't know

i saw a white-ish guy in the trailer
i thought he banned them from his movies

Fuck you I liked it. Black btw

we did it reddit

The twist is disappointing.


what was the twist?

white people bad

They were on Earth the whole time

I thought that was the premise.

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Is Jordan Peele just completely unable to title a movie?

Unfortunately, that really is the filename you chose

The aliens are also niggers

What's wrong whitey

gives a QRD OP.

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I cannot be stoped

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Can you repeat the question?

Attached: nothtebossofme.png (490x567, 537.35K)

Another white man evil movie from Jordan Peele. How creative and original.

Nope is the opposite of hope

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Would Homie the Clown be proud of what has come to pass?

Give me a plot summary I refuse to watch this

black people say AWWWWWWWWWWWW SHIT for two hours