Goodbye Forest

Goodbye Forest..

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See ya wouldn't wanna be ya

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Hep c actually

I'll be waiting

Is Forrest Gump the most covert conservative film?

>I'm not a smart man but I know what an AIDS infested whore junkie is

I never thought about it that way but you might be right.

>jenny involved in all of these progressive movements
>ends up a drug addicted, diseased whore
>forrest joins the army
>becomes war hero
>starts his own company and works hard
>becomes millionaire

You forgot

>is still a retard

God bless America, the land of opportunities even for retards!

how does she trigger chuds so hard

Can we not use that fucking word please?

ableist bigots

we got a retard!

I know you're trying to bait people into calling you a retard so I'm just gonna flip the table and call you a nigger instead. Nigger.

Edgy...real edgy, user.

Shut up retard faggot.

What did her dad do to her?

White people treat retards with respect. Meanwhile every other race is horribly cruel to them. Especially niggers.

Amazing how badly this movie has aged, I cringe that I liked it

I swear this board becomes more Reddit every single day.

yeah you would know what it's like over there, wouldn't you?

retarded faggot

This and titanic is an endless source of hilarious incel seethe. Well deserved oscars in both cases.