What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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/leftypol/ and Any Forums are destroying this board

Any Forumstards


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seething Any Forumstards who don't even watch Television & Film crapping their pants in rage every time they see a trailer or promotional image with a Black person in it

I never see anyone complaining that there aren't enough minorities and trannies in television or film. Just Any Forumssmokers posting literal who's and twitter shit.

The television and film industry turned to absolute garbage so we had to entertain ourselves instead.

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I blame women

Phoneposting making it impossible to ban people.


Any Forums is Jewish propaganda, there's no circumventing that political aspect. Stay on your discords since Any Forums haunts you faggots so.

The mods and jannies are just absolute cocksuckers.


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Shoving black people into every fucking role is just the progressive fundamentalists crapping their pants in racist anti-white rage.

for some reason the moderators and janitors refuse to moderate this board properly...

jannies ruined this board and take it way too fucking serious

you can look up her skirt when he hits her in the gut :3

This is the only board I have ever been banned on for posting the nigger word or >she

What this board really needs is more LGBTQ+ representation. A little more diversity and inclusivity wouldn't hurt either. And perhaps we could offer free educational seminars on correct usage of pronouns.

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Same, I got my first ever ban from here (I've been browsing for 13 years) for the astounding crime of posting a reply implying that niggers may not be able to afford to live in the expensive and "nice" parts of New York in a TMNT thread that I fucking made.

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