What was Anakin supposed to do?

What was Anakin supposed to do?

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god damn
finna kill some younglings if you know what I mean

he shouldve told her his opinion of sand

It's canon that Padme was turned on by Anakin slaughtering sand people.

who wouldn't be

Grab her by the pussy

Typical woman.

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Take Sheev to trial. Plead the case that Dindu was making an unlawful arrest and Anakin had to step in to ensure the rule of law was followed.
And/Or torture Sheev till he told him how to save Padsmear.

not murder children lmao

Anakin's transformation into a child-killer is so fucking poorly realised it's amazing someone's dumb enough to defend these films

Anakin pls stop finding me attractive, you silly boy.

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Leave the Jedi Order. It's that fucking simple. What happened was entirely on Anakin and his ego preventing him from just walking away.

Have sex with any other Jedi girl at the temple. Jedi are not celibate.

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I-III > all others. Deal with it.

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If you discovered your wife dead would you touch her titties one last time or no

I think the grief would cancel out any pleasure you could gain from such a venture.

needed at least one scene of those little cunts fucking with him first
like running off with his lightsaber to foreshadow and give him motivation

They needed a scene of them throwing chickie nuggies at him in the Jedi Cafeteria

Anus needs bleaching

My favorite big Nabooba senator

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well i need to check for her pulse

Just so you autismos know: if a woman puts her ass toward you like this it's 100% a signal she wants to fuck, right then, right there. You're supposed to rub her a bit then finger her and stick it to her. Don't miss the signs bros.

The slaughter happened in the council room, Anakin figuratively killed the Jedi masters he actually resented