I miss him bro's

I miss him bro's.

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>Le classic Yuppie stick up his ass douch boss phenotype guy character
>He is actually a decent person
I liked that very much

The inferiority complex is oh so delectable.

he found love in the end

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Walter: Jesse we need to cook meth
Howards rotting corpse:

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Hopefully now people begin to come to terms with what a crock BCS is. Lalo was wasted, Howard was wasted, Kim was wasted, and the entire BCS storyline came to an unsatisfying conclusion. People kept putting themselves through boring episode after boring episode, lying to themselves that it was good and that it would pay off in the end.

i loved this aspect, all those episodes in gus' lab happened above the bodies of these characters we'd never even heard of before. this is how to do a prequel right.

disagree, i think it started slow and boring but now it's more interesting than ever

Six seasons of nothing happening and then Jimmy is suddenly Saul after a timeskip

Good trope

saul was always there under the surface, losing kim accelerated things. he was unrestrained, no trace of his jimmy life left and nothing in his future but fully committing to the life of saul. it makes perfect sense to put a time skip in here from a narrative viewpoint, i don't want to watch him buying 50 ugly suits and sourcing an inflatable statue of liberty. we see where he's come from, and why he ended up where he did.

Do you think Kim will appear in the last episode in the Gene timeline?

yeah that makes sense as an ending. the saul timeline ends with a cameo appearance from bryan cranston as walt, full circle with the scene from BB, and the gene timeline is him scamming some cops or something and tracking down kim, who's probably a successful charity worker or something and welcomes him back with open arms
bad ending is gene takes a bullet out of nowhere

>Ernesto sleeping peacefully in bed, while cuddling a weeb dakimaru
>Ghost Howard steps through wall
>"Wake up, Ernesto, We have work to do."
>"M-Mr Hamlin? I don't understand..."
>"There's no time to explain. But you ARE still on salary for the rest of the year, right?"
>"Then legally speaking, I'm still your boss. Now put some pants on. I have a job for you."
>Coming this October to AMC

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>One day this lawyer guy you know changes his first and last name for seemingly no reason at all.
>All kinds of crazy shit happening in his life but none of that has anything to do with it.
>His wife leaves him and he's just upbeat and working like normal.
>Whole show exists just to answer the question of Who is Lalo?

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put a smile on my face

it’s not like the Walter arc where he slowly becomes desensitized and willing to kill people. Saul is just slippin jimmy with 0 restraint. BCS shows 3 restraints, in order, slowly removed
>chuck (he suicides, and jimmy never accepts his part in it)
>HHM and Howard (who jimmy and kim indirectly kill)
>Kim (who randomly turned le evil and left him)
So it makes sense why he’s Saul now. Doesn’t make this season good though it’s been dogshit

>Kim (who randomly turned le evil and left him)
did you not see the recurring bottle stopper theme? kim was always torn between jimmy's exciting criminal lifestyle and her own morals. this season confirmed that she'd gone too far into jimmy's side of things and regretted it; if she'd chosen to tell him about lalo, howard probably wouldn't be dead. she kept it to herself because she wanted the to keep the ride going. she became more reckless than jimmy himself, and realized she coudn't live like that anymore.
it's all there, just pay attention.

someone post the pic of him on the floor like gomie

>Seasoned attorney learns that crime has consequences
>Gives up dream of fighting for the poor
>Goes into self-imposed exile

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good guy howard did nothing wrong
look how they massacred my boy
fuck you vince you hack piece of shit