Underrated film. It's so badass

Underrated film. It's so badass

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The ants going to war with the termites was kino as fuck and actually really dark for a kids movie.

What would a remake under HBOmax look like?

I think the villains would be the ants that refused to get vaxxed.

Politically pozzed as Hell, but at the same time extremely kino.
>Why go to war? Why not just influence their political system through campaign contributions?
Fucking jews lol they can be funny now and then.

I should rewatch this. The Concept Art is kino as fuck.

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>red ants bad
>black ants good

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This movie is garbage and you all know it. Bugs life is the superior insect kino

Why can't the both be good?

I don't hate Bugs Life but it's soi as Hell compared to Antz. A Bug's Life has a better overall message I suppose whereas Antz is basically a commie movie where the commies were the bad guys in Bugs Life, but Antz is still better.

Pacific Data Images was the animation studio behind it, plus Viewpoint DataLabs (who did the models)


it is. Pacific Data Images made the animation of both Antz and Shrek


PDI (Pacific Data Images) was a computer animation/visual effects studio founded in the 80s which contributed to plenty of live action films, commercials and TV specials (they did the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror 3D short)
in early 1996, Dreamworks approached PDI and bought a 40% stake on them with the intention of making computer generated films together. Antz was the first one, followed by Shrek

this is literally the first thing you see in Antz. I'd give more credit to PDI than to Dreamworks tho

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>Woody Allen, Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Walken, Jennifer Lopez, Anne Bancroft, Danny Glover, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin, Grant Shaud, John Mahoney, Paul Mazursky
great cast

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fun fact : Antz and Ratatouille had the same producer (Bradford Lewis) I much prefer Antz tho. Didn't care for Ratatouille

>mfw the is the only Woody Allen film I've ever seen

I want to go to a bar where I can drink alcoholic beverages from my favorite actresses anus