Just marathoned An American Crime (2007), a movie based on the real torture/murder of Sylvia Likens...

Just marathoned An American Crime (2007), a movie based on the real torture/murder of Sylvia Likens. I thought it was okay but imo they humanised the bitch behind it, Gertrude Baniszewski, too much. Also they toned down the subject matter far too much, it seemed like a made for TV movie. It should have been way darker. Not saying they need to graphically show everything but the execution was meh, like they were going for a PG-13 rating even though it got an R. For a film about content as horrific as this the audience should at least be horrified while watching it otherwise what's the point? It's like the girl's ordeal was brushed aside for the sake of the viewers, which ironically is why Sylvia was ignored irl while being tortured as neighbours didn't want to exit their comfort zone and get involved. Same reason all the perps got light sentences, some not at all, it's like society just wants to forget it happened rather than take responsibility for what happened. Sylvia's death scene was done really well though, how she has an outer body experience of escaping only to see herself dead almost made me cry.

Anyway what did you think about it? What are some other movies based on irl murderers/serial killers?

Attached: Sylvia_Likens.jpg (226x438, 10.83K)

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Americans aren't humans... They have have no empathy

That's not true. I have empathy for your mother.

I could have saved her

Not as bad as China


If you were there you'd be the worst.

We all could have saved her, the problem is everybody was operating on 5 brain cells in the 1960s, they didn't know up from down

I hate ESLs so fucking much

You can’t even save yourself bitch

Matthew Bright's Ted Bundy is basically a proto-House That Jack Built and is very good and funny.

Why would you care about some random kid that isn't even yours?

Poor little girl. I would have sodomised her but torture is messed up.

>After eight hours of deliberation, the jury found Gertrude Baniszewski guilty of first-degree murder. She was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released on parole in 1985. Paula was found guilty of second-degree murder and was released in 1972; Hobbs, Hubbard, and John were found guilty of manslaughter and served less than two years in the Indiana Reformatory before being granted parole on February 27, 1968.
How do you get such lenient punishments for something so sadistic? Capital punishment and if not, then a full life term with no parole.

When will the Japanese version come out? Will it be an anime?

Attached: Junkofurutaportrait.jpg (247x330, 20.35K)

Imagine being god sitting on your cloud and just watching all of this unfold and being like "lol I could stop this but I won't"

Because the people running the legal system are the kinds of people who commit these very crimes.

Imagine not stopping the holocaust.

Because punishment must come from a true authority, and with the loss 9f God and patriarchy our civilisation has no true authority. Therefore punishment has been rewritten as therapy and correction while the people in high society become ever more corrupt and worthy of severe punishment.

That was god helping the world though.

Japanese people (AKA the Yakuza) are too busy trying to instate in the minds of everyone that Japan is a safe country where there are no murders, robberies and there are no poor people. Weebs already believe anime troupes are real.

Americans have a thing for glorifying sociopaths and killers. Even corporate psychos are given the empathic socool treatment.

Imagine thinking God, who created everything that ever existed, has the same emotions as a human being.

That is the stupidest argument against God. Have you fedorafags ever considered that projecting human emotions onto an immortal deity who exists outside the concept of time and created everything to have ever existed is stupid beyond description?

Should we humans feel all of the same things an ant feels?

>Imagine thinking God, who created everything that ever existed, has the same emotions as a human being.
So what he's a sociopath? I thought he was supposed to love us.

Imagine believing in god lmao. Pic related, let me save you a minute buddy.

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He did stop it though. She died and went to heaven, and they spent years with a guilty conscience and the threat of eternal hell over their heads.

If he does exist he could just damn you to Hell because you wore a brand of jeans he didn't like. It's a retarded concept that only exists as a vague guide of morality and ethics.

True heaven is peace within oneself, and some people get that by watching people get decapitated.

>Saved her by killing her
That's some fucked up psycho serial killer logic right there.