Old ass nigga

old ass nigga

Attached: saul-goodman-better-call-saul-season-6.jpg (1300x867, 885.95K)

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vax induced heart attacks age you up about 20 years, according to the recent studies

he looks about how a 60 year old should look, it's just a little goofy considering he's meant to be in his 40s there or whatever

>*skips the central premise of the show*

that skip was intentionally put in to identify failures like you

They knew he was nowhere near the Jimmy that was okay with killing people to protect interests in BB so they had to do a bullshit time skip instead.

>heres the kid i was informing you about

Why does Trump's vaccine do this? Any movies for this feel besides Home Alone 2?

yeah bro i love when they spend half a season setting up a literal prank

>here's that attorney in his mid-40s I was telling you about
Would it kill people to cast actors who are the same age as their characters? Even in BrBa this dude was fucking old

When does Saul start abusing Botox and Twinkies?

Trump didn't madate them.

>kid i was telling you about
whats this meme and wheres it from?

lurk moar

It started with the Irishman when old ass De Niro was meant to be playing a 30 year old man but not even the de-aging- technology helped. 'Here's that kid' typically comes from mobster movies.


Attached: FB_IMG_1658353995722.jpg (1080x1080, 75.63K)

>Make an entire prequel about how Saul Goodman became who he is
>Do a timeskip and entirely bypass his descent into Saul Goodman negating the entire series
Bravo Vince

Geriatric DeNiro playing a 30-year-old man in the Irishman and Scorsese just expecting the audience to play along

here's that kid I was telling you about

Attached: kid.jpg (700x700, 64.02K)

>looks older than in BrBa which is set in the future
what did Vince mean by this?