Cats destroyed Taylor Swift's film career

Cats destroyed Taylor Swift's film career

Attached: rs_600x600-191119081957-taylor-swift-cats-1.jpg (1200x1200, 120.56K)

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good for her

I wish it destroyed her music “career” too

Taylor swift had a film career?

her suit had nipples?

Im glad it did

How? She was barely in it, and she didn't really do any "acting" beyond her musical number. What's more, she's in the new "Amsterdam" movie that's coming out later this year, and she wrote music for the "Where the Crawdads Sing" movie. Given that she only ever showed up in a movie every few years or so, it seems like her "acting" career is more-or-less the same as it ever was?

Id probably watch it just for Taylor Swift with 6 nipples


Attached: 1439189227495.jpg (576x569, 99.61K)

Cats fucking ruled but Taylor Swift was one of the few weak parts.
Let's talking Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat instead.

yikes shes actually coalburner

Taylor Swift and Francesca Hayward were furry coomer bait.
Rebel Wilson was funny.

Attached: Cats 2019 Roaches and Mice.webm (716x300, 2.99M)

damn this is some nightmare fuel
legit more scary than anything A24 has ever released

Incredible that a bunch of dullard MCU shill critics convinced everybody this movie was bad.
Here in just 1 minute of the movie's 1h50m screentime you see 10 or 15 things you've never seen before in your life and never shall again.

This doesn't so much scare me but it makes me feel sick to watch it. Its hard to explain.

I love Munkustrap's vocals in the slow part of this song.

Attached: EMczuYFUUAEfcwH.jpg (712x754, 36.86K)

Just what the fuck is this movie... how did this get made. Was the producer some rich broadway pretentious cunt that liked the musical or what?

And that's a good thing.

Cats may have destroyed Taylor Swift, but I plan to destroy Taylor Swift's cat, if you get my meaning.

Attached: tay extremely lewd sideboob.jpg (2407x3000, 614.57K)

Dread is what you're feeling and you're not alone.

Cats was one of the most successful musicals of all time. They've just been waiting for technology to advance to the point of being able to do it justice as a film.
They should have waited longer, but I understand. Also
Cats is the polar opposite of pretentious. Cats is for the people