What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Alex Jones said it best. He doesnt care about the truth he just wants to win. He has no problem backstabbing both sides long as he isnt canceld and keeps his power.

Born with low IQ

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Ape be like dude weed

Sellout, mediocre host

The timeline we're in became so fucked up that there isn't any political distinction between a stoner podcast host who talks about aliens and the Republican party.

what's his position on ukraine

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when you've made so much fucking money and can do whatever you want you become disconnected from reality and the common man, who were his core audience


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Official CIA position. I think all these fucks are probably glow controlled not too different from Soviet state media. Probably have some snipers crosshairs on his bald head 24/7.

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Austin sucks.

I had to turn off the episode he recently had with Tom Segura when he started to shit on Denver's mayor for being too liberal and then 2 seconds later starts praising Austin's mayor who as just as liberal.

Nobody has an audience of millions while still maintaining 100% artistic and thought freedom. It simply doesn't happen.

Anybody with any kind of fame or following is comped in one way or another.

>Criticizes the left
Rogan is fucking based, Rogan goooood.

>Criticizes the right
Fucking degenerate libtard stoner...

Galveston would been so much cooler. I would visited.

He won't stop dicksucking Austin meanwhile the entire country is going to shit it's just a matter of how far along each different locale is. He is rich and insulated.

Sometimes some of the shit his guests and him talk about, it's like they forget ordinary people are listening to their podcast. Yeah Joe, I would love to take ice baths, sauna, eat wild meat and the best foods, and workout every day but I work a soul crushing office 9-5 that if I'm lucky will allow me to buy a decent house if I get married to a woman who also earns a decent salary and maybe we can afford a house in a decent town and afford 2 kids. All of this for the low low price of wageslaving 40 years.

Fuckin out of touch douche he is

the non controlled ones are cancelled. Like Stefan Molyneux

Z, my hecking mongoloid bros

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Native LAfag here. Hes a fake as fuck wannabe LA socialite outsider who puts on a fake LA accent (guy is from fucking Boston) to seem hip and cool. There are a huge amount of these types here and they are all fucking completely insufferable. I remember on the podcast years ago he had no idea where Orange Country or Riverside where. This guy 100% lives in a fragile super wealthy celeb bubble and never leaves it.

What went right?

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what the fuck is an la accent you dumb try hard delusional nigger?

On one hand I want to agree with you for trashing Rogan, on the other I want to say fuck LA. California has been ruined. Only a soulless climber would ever ingratiate themselves to the leftoid scum that live there.

t. New England elitist

still not supporting Israel

Three comedic blackholes just like Joe