How big of a screen will you see NOPE on this weekend? Will it be even better than US?

How big of a screen will you see NOPE on this weekend? Will it be even better than US?

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Not watching it

The politics you pretend to be a part of online are a hollow waste of time and nothing more than a ticket to a hiding place where you can join a vague community and feel noticed and present in something vaguely important. You haven't formed your own worldview and you don't really care about activism on any level; it's basically sports but for people who think they're too smart to be into sports. You're window shopping for a brazen answer to wear like a merit badge that is supposed to somehow aggrandize your banal struggle in life into something that your insulated, ego-centered view of the world finds comforting. It's all emotion and you will fall back into invoking vacuous aesthetics over and over amongst the others when you don't want to face reality. It's really pathetic and you should do something else.

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i dont watch black entertainment

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Why is it always Kikes? Every fucking time.

>The politics you pretend to be a part of online are...
>Notice name fag
>Instantly disregard the rest
Thanks for saving my time

Is it about ETs kidnapping people except the ETs are white?

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>with the subtext you'd expect
Say no more.

I don't need to watch Black supremacist propaganda in order to virtue signal

I am racist but I do enjoy Steven Yeun and I have enjoyed this nigger's previous films, so I actually likely will go see it in theatres.

I would hope so because Us was terrible. Other than a few cool visuals, they really blew their load by revealing what they are in that terrible monologue sequence and half of the movie just being a bad run-of-the-mill home invasion movie.

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>with the subtext you'd expect

So white people bad on a bigger budget?

I wonder if he's even capable of making a film without any of that these days. I honestly think he doesn't know how. Too bad, I had hoped it was just a straight up weird film, and the biggest reason I wanted to see it is Michael Wincott. He needs to be in more films. Period.

I #NOPED out of watching it, and spent some time watching truly engrossing movies, like Birth of a Nation and Triumph of the Will.

Just kidding. I just watch Any Forums shit on itself.

I read the leaks. I ain't watching this garbage.

I'll watch it on my friends Plex when it's out. Us was fucking trash, and his cinematography is overrated to hell. I saw the remake of Susperia the same week and it completely blew Peele out of the water. 'Murrican directors have such low standards.

I rather watch Rope.

This actually looks interesting. I hated Us so hopefully this doesn’t disappoint.

Share so I don't have to either.

Even if he did know how to make a film about something else would he be allowed? Hollywood owns his ass, he wouldn't get funding for a film that didn't push the narrative.

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The retarded way to name a film

It looks pretty good, honestly. Michael Wincott is always worth watching.

Peele is an insufferable egomaniac, tho.

what the fuck is it even about? none of these articles mention shit
i'd rather watch that barney horror kino that other black guy has in the works. plus peele is a fucking faggot

>First reactions
Almost always ridiculously positive even if the movie is terrible. Crimes of Grindelwald and Suicide Squad also got glowing early reactions.

And even if the """critics""" give it good reviews, they have to because otherwise they'll be branded as racist. The movie might be terrible (in fact, probably will be, trailers looked retarded and bad) and it'd still get at least 90% on RT.

>comparing a nigger to a jew

that's fine

Don't have the pictures or anything but basically The ufo is the alien and eats people that directly look at it. There's a flashback to the filming of a sitcom where a chimp goes mad and kills the white people and fistbumps young Yeun. The creepy skeletal lady in dress is just a victim of the monkey that survived. UFO is killed with a balloon or something.

virtue signalling with black cast, for easy oscar due to #OSCARSSOWHITE
its really just a corporate monkey being shilled for the plebeians who worship white guilt

White ayys bad.

>Wow, she sort of cried! What an amazing performance! Give her an Oscar!
Do nigs ever get tired of participation trophies and being treated like toddlers?

The twist is is that water is harmful to them
and yes I'm not saying which group I'm talking about.