What are some kino's with a trio that has the strong guy, the smart guy, and the likable but crooked guy?

What are some kino's with a trio that has the strong guy, the smart guy, and the likable but crooked guy?

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LA Confidential does this

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"the good, the bad, and the ugly"

holy shit it fits perfectly

They're all crooked but still

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I never watched this but aren't they all supposed to be retards?

The bald guy, the chemo bald guy, and the balding guy

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The Conan movies and Red Sonja come very close to this, but there's always more party members, not just a trio.

>tfw i'm neither in my group

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really stupid guy-stupid guy-average guy
crooked idiot -crooked genius- crooked law enforcement
below average idiot-turbo idiot strong guy-idiot strong guy

Sorcerer kind of uses this trope. French banker guy was supposed to be the smart one, shitskin jew hater was the warrior, and Scheider the thief

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This is the manliest movie I have ever seen. Thank you Any Forums for your movie poster threadss

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Wages Of Fear > Sorcerer

The play you mean?