What is your honest opinion of Napoleon Dynamite?

What is your honest opinion of Napoleon Dynamite?

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Quintessential mid-2000s kino

It funny

Very quotable

I liked it. probably never watch it again but I listen to Music For a Found Harmonium at least once a week.

I like it.

I always related as kind of a weird outcast starting out at school who later became more normal and accepted.

it always cheers me up

It is an inferior version of the pic related.

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Never seen it and I never will

I wish there were more movies that are like a glimpse into the normal lives of the characters and nothing too exciting happens in the story.

10/10 i wish i was kip




Same situation as Kung Pow really.

Watched it, found it annoying. Didn't get it I suppose. Not my thing.

But I had friends and people online who would quote it all the time, and that was what really warmed my cockles,

It's cute and funny. Not even trying to hide the fact that the class bully is at least 30 years old always makes me laugh.
damn boss, good one.

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It was fun to watch but was also ruined by the person i was watching it with pretending to get it and forcing out laughter at every joke.
Never watched anything with anyone since then.

One of the last few great teen movies. The entire aesthetic has basically completely disappeared. Now all teen movies are aimed at young 20 somethings and filled with sex or an overbearing message.



>Solondz film
Get out of here with that repulsive jewish shit.